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Helix Discord Bot Documentation

If you have more questions after reading the docs, or want to request a feature, dm me at Paige#3198

How to invite the bot to your server

    To invite with administrator permission (default invite), paste this oauth url in your browser:
    To invite with weak permissions, use this invite link (You might need to re-invite if new commands are added):

Prefix info

    The default prefix is '!!', change this by using the setprefix command.

General info
    Aliases in command info can be used instead of the command itself, it will still have effect.

Command info 
    - Avatar
        - Aliases:
            - av
            - pfp
        - Arguments                             <prefix>avatar
        - Requirements to use:                  none
        - Usage example:                        !!avatar @Paige#3198
        - Bot response:                         Embed containing the mentioned user's avatar/profile picture

    - Ban
        - Aliases:
            - exile
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>ban <user mention> <reason>
        - Requirements to use:                  Ban members/Administrator permission
        - Usage example:                        !!ban @Paige#3198 breaking rules
        - Bot response:                 
            - Success case:                     <user mention> was succesfully banned with reason <reason>.
            - Ban reason(in serv. settings):    Banned by <moderator name> with reason <reason>
            - Dms (target user):                You were banned from the server <server name> by <moderator name> with reason <reason>.
            - Not enough permissions:           You do not have permission to use this command.
    - Kick
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>kick <user mention> <reason>
        - Requirements to use:                  Kick members/Administrator permission
        - Usage example:                        !!kick @Paige#3198 breaking rules
        - Bot response:                 
            - Success case:                     <user mention> was succesfully kicked with reason <reason>.
            - Dms (target user):                You were kicked from the server <server name> by <moderator name> with reason <reason>.
            - Not enough permissions:           You do not have permission to use this command.

    - Serverinfo
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>serverinfo
        - Requirements to use:                  none
        - Usage example:                        !!serverinfo
        - Bot response:                         Embed with info about the server the command was ran in.

    - Setprefix
        - Aliases:
            - newprefix
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>setprefix <prefix that you want> (keep in mind you'll need to use the new prefix for this command after the change)
        - Requirements to use:                  Admin or Manage Server permission
        - Usage example:                        !!setprefix ?
        - Bot response:
            - Success:                          Succesfully updated prefix for this server to '<prefix that you chose>'
            - Not enough permissions:           You need Admin or Manage Guild permissions to run this command.
   - Setwelcome
        - Aliases:
            - newwelcome
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>setwelcome <welcome message>
            - Additional info:                  If you fill in "<@>" in the welcome message, it will get replaced by mention of the user who joined.
                                                The welcome messages will be sent in the channel you run the command in.

        - Requirements to use:                  Administrator permission.
        - Usage example:                        !!setwelcome Welcome to the server <@>! Enjoy your stay!
        - Bot response:
            - If welcome message is missing:    Please set a valid welcome message!
            - Sucess case:                      Succesfully set the welcome channel to <channel> and welcome message to <welcome message>
    - Verify
        - Aliases:
            - robloverify
            - robloxverify
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>verify <robloxusername>
        - Requirements to use:                  none
        - Usage example:                        !!verify VioPaige
        - Bot response:
            - If verified before:               Sucessfully verified as <username>, enjoy your stay!
            - First time:                       Sucessfully found your roblox account, send a friend request to <botuser>, and then re-run the command.
            - After friend request:             Sucessfully verified as <username>, enjoy your stay!
            - Invalid username:                 This username does not exist.

   - Whois
        - Aliases:
            - userinfo
        - Arguments:                            <prefix>whois
        - Requirements to use:                  none
        - Usage example:                        !!whois @Paige#3198
        - Bot response:                         Embed with info about the mentioned discord user (if roblox verified, also roblox user info)


Repository for documentation of the bot helix.






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