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Text encoding detector

A Qt-based library for detecting the encoding of binary data assuming it is a text, and converting it to QString properly. Languages supported so far:

  • English
  • Russian.

Adding support for new languages is extremely simple and fast, the appropriate tool is included in this repository.


Decoding a memory buffer (QByteArray):

QByteArray textData = getTextData();
const auto result = CTextEncodingDetector::decode(textData);
qDebug() << "Detected language:" << result.language;
qDebug() << "Detected encoding:" << result.encodingName;
qDebug() << "Decoded text:" << result.text;

Decoding data from a QIODevice (QFile for demonstration purposes here):

QFile textFile("unknown_encoding.txt");;
const auto result = CTextEncodingDetector::decode(textFile);
qDebug() << "Detected language:" << result.language;
qDebug() << "Detected encoding:" << result.encodingName;
qDebug() << "Decoded text:" << result.text;

Decoding data from a file given its path (QString) - same as the previous example, but shorter:

const auto result = CTextEncodingDetector::decode("unknown_encoding.txt");
qDebug() << "Detected language:" << result.language;
qDebug() << "Detected encoding:" << result.encodingName;
qDebug() << "Decoded text:" << result.text;

Suporting other languages

Build the text_analyzer console application from the text-analyzer folder of this repo. Run the application on a bunch of UTF-8 text files in the target language:

text_analyzer <language name> <path to textfile 1> [path to textfile 2] ... [path to textfile N]

The output will be ctrigramfrequencytable_<Language name>.h and ctrigramfrequencytable_<Language name>.cpp source files in the working directory, containing the declaration and definition of the CTrigramFrequencyTable_<Language name> class. Add it to your project, and then supply your own frequency tables to the encoding detector using the optional second parameter to CTextEncodingDetector::decode. Note that if you also want any of the default tables, you will have to also provide them manually:

const auto result = CTextEncodingDetector::decode("unknown_encoding.txt", {
qDebug() << "Detected language:" << result.language;
qDebug() << "Detected encoding:" << result.encodingName;
qDebug() << "Decoded text:" << result.text;


  • A compiler with C++ 11 support is required.
  • Windows: you can build using either Qt Creator or Visual Studio for IDE. Visual Studio 2013 or newer is required - v120 toolset or newer. Run qmake -tp vc -r to generate the solution for Visual Studio. I have not tried building with MinGW, but it should work as long as you enable C++ 11 support.
  • Linux: open the project file in Qt Creator and build it.
  • Mac OS X: You can use either Qt Creator (simply open the project in it) or Xcode (run qmake -r -spec macx-xcode and open the Xcode project that has been generated).


A Qt-based class for detecting the encoding of binary data assuming it is a text, and converting it to QString properly.







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