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Jellyfin Spotify Import Plugin

Part of the Jellyfin Project


This plugin enables you to import playlists from Spotify to your Jellyfin server automatically. It provides a scheduled task that queries a given list of Spotify playlists and tries to recreate them as best as possible in Jellyfin.

The playlist will be created with the same name, description and image as configured in Spotify. Any matching songs that exist on your Jellyfin server will be added to this new playlist or to an already existing playlist with this name.

If desired, the plugin can create a JSON file per playlist containing a list of any missing tracks that are part of the Spotify playlist but are not present on your server.


The plugin is not a downloader for music, it only provides an automated way of importing playlist metadata from Spotify.

This is still work in progress, see below for more details what might be coming.


Link to the repository manifest to get the plugin to show up in your catalogue:

See the official documentation for install instructions.

How to


To connect to Spotify, you need to be authenticated. In order to do this, the plugin needs to know a Client ID and will ask you for authorisation (needed for reading private or collaborative playlists).

This procedure needs a little bit of setup from your end (basically the same as described in the official docs):

  1. Head over to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and sign in
  2. Create an app (name and description do not matter really, pick whatever you want)
  3. Copy the Client ID, you will need it in a second when configuring the plugin
  4. Go to the Settings page
  5. There, add a redirect URL in Redirect URIs. This URL is called after you grant the plugin read access to your playlists and must be the following value:
    https://<YOUR JELLYFIN IP OR DOMAIN>/Viperinius.Plugin.SpotifyImport/SpotifyAuthCallback, e.g. http://localhost:8096/Viperinius.Plugin.SpotifyImport/SpotifyAuthCallback
    The IP or domain must match the one you are using when configuring the plugin
  6. Save the settings

Get started

After installing the plugin, visit its configuration page and add your Spotify Client ID (save afterwards) and click on Authorize. You will be redirected to Spotify to grant access. The plugin requests access to these scopes:

  • Read private playlists
  • Read collaborative playlists

When the authorisation is done, you can continue with the plugin configuration page.

Add Playlist

Go to the section Playlist Configuration and click on Add new playlist. This creates a new row with four fields:

  • Spotify ID: Paste the identifier of the Spotify playlist that you want to import in here.
  • Target Name: Jellyfin playlist name. Keep this empty if the original name from Spotify should be used.
  • Target User: If you want to set another user as the playlist owner, select them here.
  • Always From Scratch: If you want to delete and recreate the Jellyfin playlist on each import run, check this box.


If you use Always From Scratch for a playlist and any playlist with this name already exists on your Jellyfin server, it will get deleted and replaced by the Spotify playlist.

Following "Spotify ID" formats work:

  • The raw ID, e.g. 4cOdK2wGLETKBW3PvgPWqT
  • The Spotify URI, e.g. spotify:playlist:4cOdK2wGLETKBW3PvgPWqT
  • The full Spotify playlist URL, e.g.

Follow User

If you just want to import all playlists of a Spotify user, go to Users Configuration and click Add new user.

  • Spotify ID: Paste the identifier of the Spotify user that you want to import in here.
  • Target User: If you want to set another user as the playlist owner, select them here.
  • Only Original Playlists: If you want to follow all playlists of a user, including collaborative ones, leave this unchecked. If you only want to follow the playlists that the user created, check this box.

The following "Spotify ID" formats work:

  • The raw ID, e.g. acooluser
  • The Spotify URI, e.g. spotify:user:acooluser
  • The full Spotify user URL, e.g.

Afterwards, following runs of the import task will include all playlists of this user and map them to the configured Jellyfin user.


It is currently not possible to rename the playlists. Nor is it possible to selectively import only some of the playlists of a user without specifying each targeted playlist as described in Add Playlist. The Always From Scratch option available for individual playlists is also not used here currently.

Save Changes

When done, save these settings and you're set. The plugin will do its thing periodically (default: daily at 03:00). If you want to change this or want to let it run immediately, head to the scheduled tasks page and look for the task Import Spotify playlists.

Track match tweaking

By default, the plugin will accept a Jellyfin track as equal to a Spotify track if these conditions are met:

  • Same track name
  • Same album name
  • At least one album artist of the Jellyfin and Spotify album artist lists match
  • At least one artist of the Jellyfin and Spotify artist lists match

If you experience issues with tracks not matching even if they exist, you can "relax" these settings:

  1. Match Type determines how strict the individual comparison is (e.g. if case differences are ignored)
  2. Enable * comparison fully enables or disables the comparison of the respective condition

Match Type allows selecting Fuzzy Check which adds another less strict matching option for track and album names (but not artists). When selected and if no other type already provides a match, a name will be matched if both strings are x modifications apart from each other. x refers to the number configured in Max. Accepted Character Differences In Match.

Example with max. differences set to 2:

Provider name Jellyfin name Is Match
abcde abcde
abcd abcd
Aabde abcde
Aabd abcde


If you encounter issues with playlists / tracks not matching when they definitely should, you can enable the logging of some more information from the playlist importer.

There are two verbosity levels to this:

  1. Checking Enable verbose logging for this plugin. in the plugin settings
    • With this setting things like the Spotify API calls are logged.
  2. Additionally changing the Jellyfin log level to Debug
    • How to do this is described here
    • Instead of just setting the general MinimumSetting to Debug, you should add an override just for the plugin's namespace (to avoid inflating the log size too much): "Viperinius": "Debug"
    • The Serilog entry might look like this afterwards:
        "Serilog": {
            "MinimumLevel": {
                "Default": "Information",
                "Override": {
                    "Microsoft": "Warning",
                    "System": "Warning",
                    "Viperinius": "Debug"
    • With this enabled you will see log entries for every track that did not get matched and added to a playlist

To do

A few things that are not implemented yet:

  • Allow (optional) synchronisation by also removing items that are not present in the Spotify playlist
  • Keep order of tracks synchronised with Spotify
  • Allow renaming and deselecting single playlists when synchronising all user playlists