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This project is the terraform provider for integrating with the Virtomize Unattended Installation ISO (UII) images into terraform.

Provider in the repository

Use case

An installation medium is required when installing a virtual machine. It can be hard to acquire and keep these up to date. This is where UII comes into play. The UII provider will use Virtomize UII to create a custom ISO as specified in the Terraform config. This keeps ensure up-to-date virtual machines while minimizing manual work.


Here are some simple examples. More complex configuration can be found in the examples folder.

UII requires a token to access its API. Get yours for free on the official website.

Example 1 - The bare minimum

Create a simple Debian ISO. The host will be named examplehost. The default root user will be root with password virtomize.

provider "virtomize" {
  apitoken = "api token"  

resource "virtomize_iso" "debian_iso" {
    name = "debian_iso"
    distribution = "debian"
    version = "12"
    hostname = "examplehost"
    networks = [ {
      dhcp = true
      no_internet = false

# refere to the generated file via "${resource.virtomize_iso.debian_iso.localpath}"

Following configuration can use property localpath to access the ISO file that UII created on the local disk.

Example 2 - The different password

provider "virtomize" {
  apitoken = "api token"  

resource "virtomize_iso" "debian_iso" {
    name = "debian_iso"
    distribution = "debian"
    version = "10"
    hostname = "examplehost"
    password = "password123"    
    networks = [ {
      dhcp = true
      no_internet = false

# refere to the generated file via "${resource.virtomize_iso.debian_iso.localpath}"

Example 3 - SSH keys

It is common to provide an SSH key to enable remote access to the created machine. Here is how to do it:

provider "virtomize" {
  apitoken = "api token"  

resource "virtomize_iso" "debian_iso" {
    name = "debian_iso"
    distribution = "debian"
    version = "10"
    hostname = "examplehost"
    enable_ssh_authentication_through_password = true
    SSHKeys = [ "my secret ssh key"]
    networks = [ {
      dhcp = true
      no_internet = false

# refere to the generated file via "${resource.virtomize_iso.debian_iso.localpath}"


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This projects is a Terraform provider to use Virtomize UII to create self installing iso files.



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