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A small MicroPython application for ESP32 or Raspberry Pi Pico W to light up LED modules based on a given threshold from data received on an MQTT topic.


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This is an application for an ESP32 (or a Raspberry Pi Pico W) hooked up to a PiicoDev 3x RGB LED module to display a colour representation of up to three different measurements received via JSON from MQTT topics. I'm using it with the data received from my esp32-sensor-reader-mqtt devices.


It requires a file called config.json in the src directory:

    "client_id": "<mqtt-client-id>",
    "server": "<mqtt-broker-address>",
    "port": 1883,
    "ssid": "<wifi network name>",
    "wifi_pw": "<wifi password>",
    "topics": [...]

The topics array is filled out with something like the following, with the topic to subscribe to and the value to pull out from the messages received on that topic. The thresholds and colours fields need to have the same number of elements, and for a datapoint of a given value the matching colour will be used for values above that threshold but less than the next one:

    "topics": [
            "topic": "home/outdoor/weather",
            "value": "dew_point",
            "thresholds": [0, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24],
            "colours": ["blue", "light_green", "green", "yellow", "orange", "dark_orange", "red"]
            "topic": "home/outdoor/airquality",
            "value": "pm_2_5",
            "thresholds": [0, 50, 100, 150],
            "colours": ["green", "yellow", "orange", "red"]
            "topic": "home/indoor/airquality",
            "value": "aqi",
            "thresholds": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            "colours": ["blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "red"]

So for example, a dew_point value of 13.5 means the top LED in the module will light up green. The colours are defined in

Once configured, copy the whole contents of the src directory to the board with mpremote and restart it when it's finished:

$ cd src
$ mpremote connect port:/dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART cp -r . : + reset"

(Substituting /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART for your specific board's serial port.)

Other configuration

When running on an ESP32, the SDA and SCL pins also need to be specified, and default to 23 and 22 respectively if not given:

    "sda_pin": 23,
    "scl_pin": 22

You can use your own NTP server instead of for time setting on board startup:

    "ntp_server": ""

The LED brightness defaults to 20 (out of 255) but this can be configured with the led_brightness option:

    "led_brightness": 100

Turning the LEDs on and off, and checking and updating configuration

The ESP32 will subscribe to the topic commands/displays and commands/displays/<CLIENT_ID> to listen for commands, and will publish log messages to logs/<CLIENT_ID>.

Turning LEDs off

Send a message to the commands/displays topic with the following payload:

    "is_on": false

This will turn off the LEDs and they will remain off until a message with the body "is_on": true is received on that same topic.

Get current config

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "get_config"

And the current contents of config.json will be published to logs/<CLIENT_ID> so you can see how a given board is configured.

Get system info

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "get_system_info"

And a message will be published to to logs/<CLIENT_ID> with the MicroPython version of the board, the value of gc.free_mem(), and how much free space is available on the root volume.

Updating configuration

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "config": {
        "server": "<broker-address>"

And the board will trigger an update of the config.json file for the given fields in the config object. In the example above, this would update just the server value and all the other existing values will be kept. Once the update is finished, the ESP32 will restart.

To remove a configuration option, send the configuration option with an empty string:

    "config": {
        "ntp_server": ""

Note that the required options (client_id, server, port, ssid, and wifi_pw) cannot be deleted, only updated to new values.

Restarting the board

Send a message to the commands/<CLIENT_ID> topic with the following payload:

    "command": "restart"

And the board will run a machine.reset() and restart itself.


A small MicroPython application for ESP32 or Raspberry Pi Pico W to light up LED modules based on a given threshold from data received on an MQTT topic.






