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A Python module implemented in Rust for serializing and deserializing RLBot's flatbuffers


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A Python module implemented in Rust for serializing and deserializing RLBot's flatbuffers

The goal of this project

To provide a fast, safe, and easy to use Python module for serializing and deserializing RLBot's flatbuffers.

A majority of the code is generated in the codegen/ upon first compile and thrown into src/python.

This includes the code generated by flatc (living in src/generated), the Python wrapper binds to the generated Rust code, and the Python type hints (rlbot_flatbuffers.pyi).

Basic usage

All classes and methods should have types hints readable by your IDE, removing the guesswork of common operations.


import rlbot_flatbuffers as flat

desired_ball = flat.DesiredBallState(
        velocity=flat.Vector3Partial(x=1500, y=1500),

desired_game_info = flat.DesiredGameInfoState(

desired_game_state = flat.DesiredGameState(

In the above code, we:

  • Set the ball to:
    • Location (0, 0, 200)
    • Velocity (1500, 1500, 0)
    • Angular velocity of (0, 0, 0)
  • Don't set the car states
  • Set the game info state:
    • World gravity to -100
    • Game speed to 2x default
    • Don't set end match or paused
  • Don't set any console commands

All values are optional when creating a class and have the proper defaults.

Reading values

import rlbot_flatbuffers as flat

def handle_packet(packet: flat.GameTickPacket):
    if packet.game_info.game_state_type not in {
        # Return early if the game isn't active

    # Print the ball's location

    for car in packet.players:
        # Print the every car's location

The goal of the above was to feel familiar to RLBot v4 while providing a more Pythonic interface.

  • All classes (not enums and unions) implement __match_args__ for easy destructuring via the match/case pattern.
    • Enums and unions and can still be used to match against the type, they just can't be destructured.
  • Every class implements __str__, __repr__, and __hash__ methods.
    • All enums also implement __int__ and __eq__.
  • Lists no longer have num_x fields accompanying them, they are just Python lists of the appropriate length.