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Releases: VisActor/VChart


17 Jul 03:05
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🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: tooltip theme support transition duration

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix statistics confict of linear and discrete field, close #2926
  • @visactor/vchart: fix theme error of update spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix update of label when udpate spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of polar point update aniamtion
  • @visactor/vchart: react attributes should support react 17
  • @visactor/vchart: fix height of link when set minNodeHeight of sankey

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.8...v1.11.9


07 Jul 20:21
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.6...v1.11.8


06 Jul 07:01
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🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support configuring callback function in indicator text style attributes, #2540
  • @visactor/vchart: add options hideTimer in toolti, to hide tooltip by timer
  • @visactor/vchart: support updateIndicatorDataById/updateIndicatorDataByIndex API, related #2776
  • @visactor/vchart: add userUpdateOptions to let user specify update type of charts, fix some animation bug

🐛 fix

  • barbackground: datakey is undefined when set custom datakey fix #2908
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue where barMaxWidth does not work when barWidth is configured, #2885`
  • @visactor/vchart: line/area clip animation by incorrect direction
  • crosshair: fix bug of crosshair position when legend filter data. fix #2905
  • @visactor/vchart: fix polar animation logic for radar charts
  • @visactor/vchart: type define fix


27 Jun 10:50
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🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: background of chart should support gradient color
  • animation: rose animation not work when update twice. fix#2856
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the type of ITooltipTheme, fix #2850
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of update animation not executed when updateSpec, #2835 #2836

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.5...v1.11.6


21 Jun 03:53
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🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: add option style.align of Tooltip, support RTL tooltip

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: optimize discrete legend pager color in dark theme, related #2654
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue issue with stacked waterfall charts where positive and negative values were not stacked separately when there were both positive and negative values in the same stack

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.4...v1.11.5


18 Jun 11:33
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🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of updateSpec when has scales, close #2744
  • @visactor/vchart: gauge chart might throw error when the value is close to its maximum, fix #2783
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the behavior of the gauge pointer when it exceeds the axis range, fix #2780
  • @visactor/vchart: normal animation not work when appear animation is disabled, fix #2807
  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade vrender to 0.19.10, vgrammar to 0.13.9

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.3...v1.11.4


06 Jun 07:10
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🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: add option showBackgroundChart of DataZoom

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: bar chart should work normally when x-axis is linear, fix #2758
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue of continuous legend filter in treemap
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the issue that the newly added component type could not take effect when updateSpec
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed setSelected of sankey chart, fix #2757 , fix #2765

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.2...v1.11.3


30 May 11:01
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🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the bug that animationThreshold not work, close #2745
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of update animation in area chart is not work
  • common: bar series support auto band size in common chart. fix#2704
  • @visactor/vchart: corsshair should hide when pointer out view, fix #2726
  • @visactor/vchart: close animation cause by datazoom/scrollbar
  • @visactor/vchart: `type-step` markLine's label should consider the refX/refY/dx/dy set by user, fixed#2739
  • react-vchart: fix the issue of <Axis /> that the props id not work
  • @visactor/vchart: polarAxis.grid.smooth not work in theme configuratio

🔧 chore

  • @visactor/vchart: when build es5 , targets of @babel/preset-env should be defaults, fix #2702

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.11.1...v1.11.2


28 May 07:05
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🆕 feat

  • marker: mark-point support arc line and targetSymbol. close#2590'
  • @visactor/vchart: add new options followTooltip to crosshair

🐛 fix

  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of missing defaultDataIndex in extensionMarks
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of empty spec, fix #1193
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the error caused by renderNextTick after release
  • @visactor/vchart: layout-model should read layoutLevel in spec, and dont create layoutItem for hidden components, related #1674
  • @visactor/vchart: when marker's spec update, it should update when call vchart.updateSpec
  • @visactor/vchart: fix effect of sampling when flush is true, fix #2272
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the api valueToPositionX and valueToPositionY of sankey
  • @visactor/vchart: sankey should color by seriesField, fix #2678
  • @visactor/vchart: fix bug of setDimensionIndex when axis is linear
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue with import registerTTEnv
  • @visactor/vchart: fix issue with taro tt env, closed #2648
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of call updateFullDataSync() before renderSync(), fix #2655

📖 docs

  • @visactor/vchart: add custom animate doc
  • @visactor/vchart: perfect document for react-lynx-vchart

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.11.1


08 May 11:36
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🆕 feat

  • @visactor/vchart: support animation config of custom-mark
  • @visactor/vchart: legend should keep unselected when update spec or data, fix #2531, related #2443
  • marker: marker enhance about state and animation and support polar and geo axis. close#1165
  • marker: add interactive event listener of marker. close#2248
  • marker: add config about custom data of all relative series. close#2183
  • @visactor/vchart: support data update when spec is same in react-vchart
  • @visactor/vchart: support softMin and softMax in linear-axis, close #2498
  • @visactor/vchart: add new properties tooltipSpec and tooltipActual to tooltip event params, related #2454
  • @visactor/vchart: add othersLine to customize the the "Others" line content displayed after the tooltip content exceeds the maximum number of displayed lines
  • @visactor/vchart: the new chart type venn chart, related #2144
  • @visactor/vchart: enhanced capabilities for waterfall chart total label
  • @visactor/vchart: add api of clearState(), clearSelected(), clearHovered(), fix #2552
  • @visactor/vchart: support simplify.tolerance config in registerMap API

🐛 fix

  • wordCloud: wordCloud layout error and color scale error when updateData. fix#2605'
  • @visactor/vchart: fix error of position when update viewBox
  • scroll: scroll not work in ios. fix#1224
  • @visactor/vchart: fix range-column-chart spec
  • marker: fix mark point position about offset. fix#2579
  • @visactor/vchart: extension-mark should update when data is update
  • @visactor/vchart: duplicated categoryField data in funnel will result to unexpected rendering result
  • @visactor/vchart: the x-axis and y-axis of scatter can be band-axis
  • @visactor/vchart: vchart should not remake of same spec
  • @visactor/vchart: fixed the problem that when the label of the sankey chart is hidden, an error will be reported when clicking on the blank space
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the issue of scatter when the legend switch visible encode, close #2625
  • @visactor/vchart: fix the trigger off of default select interactions

🔨 refactor

  • @visactor/vchart: react-vchart will require component by need by default
  • @visactor/vchart: remove built-in simplify data transform

🔧 chore

  • @visactor/vchart: upgrade dependencies

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.10.6...v1.11.0