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Version 1, September 2019

Copyright (C) 2019, Cyancore core-team.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
document, but changing it is not allowed.



Cyancore license is intended to protect the efforts and intellectual property
of Cyancore team and its Users from any claims that are not in terms of this
license agreement. This license will be updated from time to time. No one
other than Cyancore core-team has rights to make any changes to this license.

Using or implementing the Software by any User will automatically tantamount to
unconditionally agreeing to the terms of this license.

This being a freeware, provided at no cost to the Users, any changes, additions to
this codebase will be provided by the Users back to Cyancore codebase so that the
benefits of such changes or additions can be extended to the Cyancore community


Terms And Conditions

0.  Definitions:
    i.    Software: This defines source codes, binaries, documentation, algorithms,
    designs, architectures, methodologies, principles, technical content such as 
    concepts, terminology, ontology, etc., in part or in whole or packaged with other
    binaries in whole or as a subset or derived binaries.

    ii.   Core-Team: This defines the group of founding members and Code base

    iii.  Members: This defines the entities that create or manufacture technology
    platforms, software tools, semiconductor components and those who are provided
    membership by the Core-Team.

    iv.   Contributors: This defines any entity or Individual who suggests, makes,
    changes and/or adds to the Software and such changes and/or additions are included
    in the codebase for further benefit to the community.

    v.    Team: This defines the Cyancore Core-Team members, it's Members and
    it's Contributors.

    vi.   Individual: This defines any person who uses Software for personal
    purpose without any commercial gain.

    vii.  Organisation: This defines any entity that creates, develops, manufactures,
    markets, sells, distributes technology products using this Software for commercial
    purposes or otherwise.

    viii. User: This defines any Individual and/or Organisation who use this Software.

1.  Copy, Use and Distributions:
    i.    Any individual or organisation is permitted to copy, use, distribute
    Software for commercial use or otherwise at their own risk and responsibility
    with no liability to the Team.

    ii.   All distributions of Software by Users shall be without any claim of Copyright 
    on such distributions at their own risk and responsibilities without any liability
    to the Team. Such distributions of Software must include conspicuously and explicitly
    this license in whole without any changes.

    iii.  All Software distributions that have user interface in audio, visual or
    print form must explicitly announce the banner of Cyancore.

2.  Modifications, Changes, Upgrade and Add:
    i.    Individuals may modify, change or upgrade the Software at their own risk
    and responsibility.

    ii.   Organisations may modify, change, upgrade or add new capability at their
    risk and responsibility. However, Organisations, excluding government run organisations,
    making such modification, changes and/or additions to the Software must unconditionally
    submit the Software together with its modification, changes and/or additions including
    documentation to the Team and seek permissions for extending such changes to their
    products sold commercially or otherwise. The submitted modifications, changes and/or
    additions and documentation once reviewed and approved by the Team shall be included into
    codebase of the Software so that the community thereof will enjoy the benefits of such
    modification, changes and/or additions at NO COST.

3.  Patents, Intellectual Property and Copyrights:
    No Individual or No Organisation may claim Intellectual Property rights for the
    changes made to the Software by them. All the Software together with its changes,
    additions submitted will be covered under this license for further use and

4.  Commercials:
    The Software will be available to Individuals and Organisations at NO COST.
    However, they are REQUESTED to make generous donations to Cyancore to enable continuous
    improvement of the Software and technological advancements.

7.  No Warranty, No Liability and Indemnity:
    Because the Software is licensed free of cost, by accepting this license the
    Individuals and the Organisations are deemed to accept that there is NO WARRANTY
    of any kind for the Software.

    Individuals and Organisations will own any LIABILITY arising out of the use,
    distributions of the Software, it's changes, additions if any, commercial or

    Individuals and Organisations unconditionally INDEMNIFY Cyancore Team and it's
    arising out of the use and/or distribution of the Software together with it's
    changes, it's modification, it's upgrade and/or it's additions commercially or

8.  Copyrights:
    All copyrights of the Software together with submitted modifications, changes,
    upgrades and/or additions, are unconditionally held by Cyancore Team.

End of Terms and Conditions


How to apply these terms to new additions

Software contributors must use the below provided file header template in their work.

<header start>
 * Copyrights (C) <yyyy>, Cyancore Team
 * File Name		: <File Name>
 * Description		: <1 or 2 line description of the source file>
 * Primary Author	: <Name> [<E-Mail>]
 * Organisation		: <Organisation Name>
<header end>

Through technical documentation, any technical artifcats like test cases and
test results to be submitted along with the changes and additions to the Software
for the review and approval of the Core-Team.


Repository for keeping artifacts related to cyancore wiki






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