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EasyNodeORM is a TypeScript ORM library. It helps you to connect application to relational database. EasyNodeORM supports Postgres and MySql at the moment. EasyNodeORM supports both DataMapper and Active Record patterns.


  1. Install the npm package:
    npm i --save easynodeorm
  2. Install database driver:
    • For MySQL
      npm i --save mysql2
    • For Postgres
      npm --save i pg


As we talked earlier EasyNodeORM supports both DataMapper and Active Record patterns. In the examples we will look how to work with both patterns.

Data Source

It is needed to create data source objects to interact with database. Data Source object establish initial pool of connections to database. Example of connection options:

const connectionOptions = {
  name: SupportedDatabaseNames.Postgres,
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'postgres',
  database: 'easynode',
  password: 'test1234',
  maxConnection: 20, // max count of pool connections
  timeouts: {
    idle: 30000,
    connection: 20000,

Data Mapper

You should create data source connection in order to implement Data Mapper pattern. Example of data source connection:

const postgresDataSource =

You could create several data source connection to different databases if it is needed.

Active Record

In order to implement Active Record pattern file dataSourceOptions.js should be created in the root folder of you project. This file should export connection options.

module.exports.options = {
  name: 'postgres',
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'postgres',
  database: 'easynode',
  password: 'test1234',
  maxConnection: 20,
  timeouts: {
    idle: 30000,
    connection: 20000,

Model will use this file to initialise data source connection to the database.

Entities And Models

Entities and Models are classes that maps a database table to the class.
Entities are using in Data Mapper pattern.
Models are using in Active Record pattern. Model should extend BaseModel class. Models and Entities classes should be marked with @Entity('users') decorator. Decorator @Entity has one parameter - database table name. Each Model or Entity should contain @PrimaryAutoIncrementColumn or @PrimaryKeyColumn property.
Example of Entity:

class User extends BaseModel {
  id: number;

  @Length(2, 256)
  name: string;

  age: number;

  @Length(5, 50)
  email: string;

    defaultValue: false,
  active: boolean;

    customName: 'address_id',
  addressId: number;

  @Enum([Role.Admin, Role.Customer])
  role: Role;

    field: 'addressId',
    relatedEntityField: 'id',
    getRelatedEntity: () => Address,
  address: Address;

    field: 'id',
    relatedEntityField: 'userId',
    getRelatedEntity: () => Product,
  products: Product[];

    getRelatedEntity: () => Tag,
    intermediateTable: {
      name: 'user_tags',
      fieldNames: {
        currentEntityField: 'id',
        relatedEntityField: 'id',
        currentTableIntermediateField: 'user_id',
        relatedTableIntermediateField: 'tag_id',
  tags: Tag[];

EasyNodeORM supports the next Entities and Models decorators:


It identifies primary auto increment column of database table. Parameters:

  • customName - optional parameter in case table column differs from class property name.


It identifies primary column of database table. Parameters:

  • customName - optional parameter in case table column differs from class property name.


It identifies column of database table. It has one optional parameter columnProps. It is the object with the next properties:

  • customName - optional parameter in case table column name differs from class property name.
  • defaultValue - default value for table column. If defaultValue is not defined then column is required.


It identifies list of allowed values.




This decorator could be used in case custom length should be set for column. Parameters:

  • min - minimum length
  • max - maximum length. Parameter is optional.


Decorator allows you to set up one-to-one relation.


  field: 'addressId', // enity property name
  relatedEntityField: 'id', // related entity property name
  getRelatedEntity: () => Address, // should return related entity


Decorator allows you to set up one-to-many relation.


  field: 'id', // enity property name
  relatedEntityField: 'userId', // related entity property name
  getRelatedEntity: () => Product, // should return related entity


Decorator allows you to set up many-to-one relation.


  field: 'userId', // enity property name
  relatedEntityField: 'id',  // related entity property name
  getRelatedEntity: () => User,  // should return related entity


Decorator allows you to set up many-to-many relation.


  getRelatedEntity: () => Tag, // should return related entity
  intermediateTable: {
    name: 'user_tags', // intermadiate table name
    fieldNames: {
      currentEntityField: 'id', // current enity property name
      relatedEntityField: 'id', // related entity property name
      currentTableIntermediateField: 'user_id', // column name for current entity in intermediate table
      relatedTableIntermediateField: 'tag_id', // column name for related entity in intermediate table

Insert Data

Both Active Record and Data Mapper support insert operations. Data could be inserted together with related entities. In case relation type is many-to-many then related rows should be inserted before, so then it could be attached to entity. All columns should be initialized with proper values. In other case EasyNodeORM throws the error.

Data Mapper

In data mapper specific repository should be created for entity in order to save it. Example: const tagRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(Tag) Repository support method create. It has two parameters:

  • entity - entity object
  • withRelations - it contains list of related entities to save together with entity. all - in case all related entities should be saved.


  const tagRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(Tag);
  const userRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(User);

  const musicTagToCreate = new Tag(); = 'music';
  const musicTag = await tagRepository.create(musicTagToCreate);

  const travellingTagToCreate = new Tag(); = 'travelling';
  const travellingTag = await tagRepository.create(travellingTagToCreate);

  const user = new User(); = 'Test User';
  user.age = 30; = '';
  user.role = Role.Customer;

  const address = new Address(); = 'Ukraine'; = 'Lviv';
  address.postalCode = 'Custom';
  address.address = 'Test address';

  const guitar = new Product(); = 'Guitar';
  guitar.price = 300;
  const drums = new Product(); = 'Drums';
  drums.price = 676;

  user.address = address;
  user.products = [guitar, drums];
  user.tags = [musicTag, travellingTag];

  return await userRepository.create(user, ['address', 'products', 'tags']);

Active Record

Model support method create. It has one parameter:

  • withRelations - it contains list of related models to save together with model. all - in case all related models should be saved.


  const user = new User(); = 'Test User';
  user.age = 30; = '';
  user.role = Role.Customer;

  const address = new Address(); = 'Ukraine'; = 'Lviv';
  address.postalCode = 'Custom';
  address.address = 'Test address';
  user.address = address;

  const guitar = new Product(); = 'Guitar';
  guitar.price = 300;

  user.products = [guitar];

  const musicTagToCreate = new Tag(); = 'music';
  const musicTag = await musicTagToCreate.create();

  user.tags = [musicTag];

  await user.create(['all']);

Get Data

Data Mapper

In data mapper specific repository should be created for entity before querying data.

Supported methods:

  • getOne - query one row if exists. If it does not exist then it returns null.
  • get - query rows by parameters
  • populate - query needed related data and attach it to entity


  const userRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(User);

  await userRepository.get({
    logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.Not,
    conditions: [
        logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.Or,
        conditions: [
            id: 60,
            role: Role.Admin,
            addressId: 100,

  const user = await userRepository.get({
    id: 76,
  const userWithRelations = await userRepository.populate(user[0], ['all']);

  const product = userWithRelations.products[0];

  const productRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(Product);
  await productRepository.populate(product, ['all']);

Active Record

Supported methods:

  • getOne - query one row if exists. In other case null.
  • populate - query needed related data and attach it to model


  const user = await User.getOne<User>({ id: 77 });

  await user.populate(['all']);

  const product = user.products[0];
  await product.populate(['all']);

Delete Data

Data Mapper

In data mapper specific repository should be created for entity before removing data.

Supported methods:

  • deleteEntity - delete one row
  • delete - delete many rows


  const productRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(Product);

  await productRepository.delete(
      userId: 60,

  const products = await productRepository.get({ id: 29 });
  return await productRepository.deleteEntity(products[0]);

Active Record

Supported methods:

  • delete - delete one row


  const product = await Product.getOne<Product>({ id: 92 });

  await product.delete();

Update Data

Both Active Record and Data Mapper support updating operations. Data could be updating together with many-to-many related entities. In case relation type is not many-to-many then related rows should be updated separately. All columns should be initialized with proper values. In other case EasyNodeORM throws the error.

Data Mapper

In data mapper specific repository should be created for entity before updating data.

Supported methods:

  • updateEntity - update one row with relations
  • update - update many rows with relations


  const productRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(Product);
  const tagsRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(Tag);
  const userRepository = postgresDataSource.getRepository(User);

  const products = await productRepository.get({ id: 27 });
  const productToUpdate = products[0];
  productToUpdate.price = 1200; = 'Drums';

  await productRepository.updateEntity(productToUpdate);

  await productRepository.update({ price: 700 }, { userId: 61 }, true);

  const tag1 = await tagsRepository.getOne({ id: 11 });
  const tag2 = await tagsRepository.getOne({ id: 12 });

  const user = await userRepository.getOne({ id: 78 });
  user.tags = [tag1, tag2];

  await userRepository.updateEntity(user, ['all']);

Active Record

Supported methods:

  • update - update one row with relations


  const tag1 = await Tag.getOne<Tag>({ id: 13 });
  const tag2 = await Tag.getOne<Tag>({ id: 14 });

  const user = await User.getOne<User>({ id: 74 }); = true;
  user.age = 40; = 'Updated User';
  user.tags = [tag1, tag2];

  await user.update(['all']);

Query Builder

EasyNodeORM also supports raw requests to the database using query builder. At the moment it is supported only by Data Mapper. Data Source query manager contains select method to query data from database: await
Complex example of raw request to query data from database:

    table: {
      name: 'users',
      alias: 'u',
    columns: [
        name: '',
        alias: 'tagId',
        name: '',
        alias: 'tagName',
        name: '',
        alias: 'userName',
        name: '',
        alias: 'userId',
    joins: [
        type: JoinVariant.Left,
        table: 'user_tags',
        on: {
          column: '',
          joinedTableColumn: 'user_tags.user_id',
        type: JoinVariant.Left,
        table: {
          name: 'tags',
          alias: 't',
        on: {
          column: 'user_tags.tag_id',
          joinedTableColumn: '',
    where: {
      logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.Not,
      conditions: [
          ['']: {
            is: null,
          logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.Or,
          conditions: [
              age: {
                lowerThanEqual: 50,
                greaterThan: 20,
              ['']: 78,

It equals to the next sql query:

SELECT AS tagId, AS tagName, AS userName, AS userId, age, email, active, role 
FROM users AS u 
LEFT JOIN user_tags ON = user_tags.user_id 
LEFT JOIN tags AS t ON user_tags.tag_id = 
WHERE NOT ( IS NULL AND ((age <= 50 AND age > 20) OR = 78))

Select supports the next params:


It contains table name to query.

It could be a string, an alias or a sub-query.

const table  = {
  name: 'users', 
  alias: 'u',


It contains list of columns to return from database. Could be string or alias.

const columns = [
    name: '',
    alias: 'tagId',
    name: '',
    alias: 'tagName',

In case aggregation method need to be applied to returned column then aggregationMethod param should be defined

const columns = [
    name: 'age',
    alias: 'averageAge',
    aggregationMethod: 'avg'

In case distinct values need to be returned then distinct param should be true

const columns = [
    name: '',
    alias: 'userName',
    distinct: true


limit could be used to return limited amount of rows


offset could be used to skip some amount of rows.


order could be used in case results should be ordered by some values

const order = [{
  column: 'age',
  order: Order.Asc


groupBy Could be used in case results should be grouped by some value:

const groupedBy = ['age'];


joins should be used in case some related table should be joined to queried table.


const joins = [
    type: JoinVariant.Left,
    table: 'user_tags',
    on: {
      column: '',
      joinedTableColumn: 'user_tags.user_id',


where is used to filter result records. Example:

const where = {
  logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.Not,
  conditions: [
      ['']: {
        is: null,
      logicalOperator: LogicalOperator.Or,
      conditions: [
          age: {
            lowerThanEqual: 50,
            greaterThan: 20,
          ['']: 78,

It equals to the next SQL code:

 WHERE NOT ( IS NULL AND ((age <= 50 AND age > 20) OR = 78))


having could receive the same values as where. It is needed to filter result records in case aggregation function is used.

Data Definition Queries

EasyNodeORM also supports raw requests to the database using query builder. At the moment it is supported only by Data Mapper.


createTable method could be used to create a new database table.
Example of request:

export const columnsUser: ColumnProps<AllowedPostgresTypes>[] = [
    name: 'id',
    type: 'int',
    isPrimary: true,
    autoGenerationStrategy: AutoGenerationStrategy.Increment,
    name: 'name',
    type: 'varchar',
    length: 256,
    name: 'age',
    type: 'smallint',
    name: 'email',
    type: 'varchar',
    length: 50,
    isUnique: true,
    name: 'active',
    type: 'boolean',
    default: false,
    name: 'address_id',
    type: 'int',
    isUnique: true,
    name: 'role',
    type: 'enum',
    enum: ['Admin', 'Customer'],
    enumTypeName: 'user_role',
await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.createTable(


dropTable method could be used to remove a database table.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.dropTable('users');


createForeignKey method could be used to create a foreign key.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.createForeignKey({
  table: 'user_tags',
  tableColumn: 'tag_id',
  referenceTable: 'tags',
  referenceTableColumn: 'id',
  foreignKeyName: 'user_tags_tag_id_tags_id',


dropForeignKey method could be used to remove a foreign key.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.dropForeignKey(


createIndex method could be used to create an index.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.createIndex({
  table: 'users',
  tableColumns: ['email'],
  indexName: 'users_email',


dropIndex method could be used to remove an index.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.dropIndex('users_email');


addColumn method could be used to add new a column to existing table.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.addColumn('users', {
  name: 'age',
  type: 'smallint'


dropColumn method could be used to to remove a column of a table.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.dropColumn('users', 'age');


renameColumn method could be used to remove existing column of a table.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.renameColumn('users', 'age', 'newAgeName');


dropColumnDefaultValue method could be used to remove default value of existing table column.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.dropColumnDefaultValue('users', 'age');


setColumnDefaultValue method could be used to set default value of existing table column.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.setColumnDefaultValue('users', 'age', 10);


changeColumnType method could be used to change existing table column type.
Example of request:

await postgresDataSource.dataDefinitionQueryManager.changeColumnType('users', {
  name: 'age',
  newType: 'varchar',
  length: 50


Typescript ORM for Node.js







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