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Hyperparameter Optimization on VGG Networks


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HyperParameter Optimization with VGG


Part 1. Basic PyTorch

  1. Install pytorch and torchvision, for questions first refer to

  2. Preliminary: read MNIST example

  3. Write a naive CNN on CIFAR10 based on the above script,

    a. use CIFAR10 instead of MNIST by modifying train_loader and test_loader

    b. adjust Net for data compatibility (MNIST is 28x28x1, but CIFAR10 is 32x32x3).

    c. misc: arguments shall be modified accordingly.

    The test accuracy shall be around 72%, with minimum modification (only change input size for the first conv2d layer and the first linear layer).

Part 2. VGG on CIFAR10

  1. One can build VGG from scratch by rewriting Net. For VGG structure we refer readers to Table 2 of the paper Alternatively, a quick solution is to plug the torchvision predefined model in the above script. For the documentation check To begin with the task, use Adam with learning rate 2e-4, b1 0.5, and b2 = 0.999. For Conv2d initialization, use nn.init.kaiming_normal_. Training a network takes about 30 min on single GPU. For model performance uses test set accuracy. If possible, plot train loss and test accuracy for better view.

  2. Examine the components of VGG and their effects on the model performances:

    a. Network going depth improves performance: build 11-layers VGG, run 100 epochs, monitor train loss and test accuracy.
    Hint: find vgg11 from torchvision models or rewrite Net according to column A in aforementioned Table 2.
    Reference test accuracy 78%

    b. Use batch normalization for better performance
    Hint: use vgg11_bn instead or insert nn.BatchNorm2d after Conv2d
    Reference test accuracy 83%

    c. Compare activation: relu used in the original paper, vs. leaky_relu, another activation.
    Hint: reload vision.models.vgg and substitute nn.ReLU with nn.LeakyReLU, or modify your model accordingly.
    Reference test accuracy 74%

  3. Different training methods influence the trained model, assume leaky_relu is used:

    a. Choose a different optimizer.
    Hint: find optimizer in train, substitute torch.optim.Adam with torch.optim.SGD
    Reference test accuracy: 66%

    b. Change batch_size.
    Hint: change batch size to 256 in arguments.
    Reference test accuracy 77%

    c. Different initializations also effect model performance.
    Hint: find nn.init.kaiming_normal_ in vision.models.vgg, change to nn.init.xavier_uniform_.
    Reference test accuracy 82%

    d. Dropout helps model generalization.
    Hint: find nn.Dropout and disable it.
    Reference test accuracy 67%


  1. Install python3

  2. Install pytorch use:

  3. Install tensorboard and tensorflow use:

      sudo pip3 install tensorboard tensorflow
  4. To run the assignment

 is the solution for part 1 of assignment is the solution for part 2 of assignment

  5. Result will be in the data folder, with final model saved in model folder and there accuracy and other information in tensorboard folder (viewed using tensorboard --port <port> --logdir ./data/tensorboard)

Pre Computed Results

To see the pre computed results run tensorboard --port <port> --logdir tensorboard in project directory.

Note: The analysis of the result: ECE_3195_Course_Project.pdf and results in tensorboard folder.