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Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have Node.js v16.14 installed
  2. Install NVM to manage different Node.js versions
  3. Run nvm use to use the correct node version
  4. Remove node_modules running: rm -rf node_modules (optional)
  5. Install the dependencies: yarn
  6. Create a .env.local file at the root of the project by copying .env.sample and giving a value for each of the variables
  7. Run the server: yarn dev

You can access a hot-reloaded version of the app on http://localhost:3000.

The application is built using React and the framework Next.js. The styles use Tailwind.

Icons management

This project makes use of IcoMoon to manage its library of icons.

If you wish to add new icons, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the IcoMoon app:
  2. Click the “Manage project” (or “Untitled Project”) button of the header
  3. Click “Import Project”
  4. Select the file components/icons/selection.json
  5. Click “Load” next to the “Untitled Project” that appeared
  6. Drag your icons to the existing set
  7. Select all the icons and click “Generate SVG & More” at the bottom of the screen
  8. Click the “Download” button

Once you have downloaded the folder, you need to update the Icons component:

  1. Replace components/icons/selection.json by the new one
  2. For each new icon, make sure to copy its symbol element from symbol-defs.svg and to add it to components/icons/index.tsx

In order to use any of the icons in a component, import the Icon component and pass the icon's name to the name prop. You can find the name of an icon by looking at the second part of their symbol's id.

If you desire to update or remove any icon, please follow the same steps, but update or remove them in IcoMoon.

The icon has three sizes defined: sm => width and height = 0.625rem md => width and height = 0.875rem (default) lg => width and height = 1.25rem

For different sizes use classNames prop.


Deploying the application to production is done using Capistrano, which is already configured. You will need SSH access to the server, which you can get from the server's admin.

Environment variables

This table covers the existing env vars, and their purpose. To set them, copy .env.sample file to .env.local and update its content. This file may also include example values.

Variable name Description
NEXTAUTH_SECRET Key used to encrypt the NextAuth.js JWT, and to hash email verification tokens. Do not forget to add a secret. NextAuth can handle without it in development mode, but it won't in production!
NEXTAUTH_URL Needed by the next-auth library for handling auth requests and callbacks. Set the environment variable to the canonical URL of your site. Not needed in Vercel deploys.
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL URL, including protocol, of the backend data API.
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_PANEL URL, including protocol, of the admin interface of the backend data API.