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ExoDOSConverter 0.2-beta (Windows only)

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@Voljega Voljega released this 28 Aug 16:59
· 212 commits to master since this release

A few notes/limitations worthy of your attention :

  • when launching the program or modifying the path to the collection, sometimes it can take a long time (up to 30-45s) to display the full windows with the list of games, this a thread issue which I haven't had time nor wits to solve properly yet.
    Some rare times it can even display an empty list, close the program and relaunch it again
  • mount and imgmount are followed by pause command to allow easy debugging and see that the mountings are done correctly. in the future, it will be only added in debug mode
  • the mount command requires an absolute path to the file to work fine, and for now it's translated with an absolute path for batocera, if needed you will neeed to modify the absolute path in the dosbox.bat file