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Volumez is SaaS composable data infrastructure. With Volumez, you can deploy applications in your cloud with precise control of IO characteristics using a fully declarative interface

This is a guide of how you can create AWS/Azure environments (EKS/AKS or EC2/VM) and install the volumez connector.


  • Terraform > 0.14
  • AWS/Azure credentials as environment variables
  • kubectl (for EKS/AKS examples)
  • Helm v3.8 (for EKS/AKS examples)
  • awscli (for EKS examples)
  • Azure CLI (for AKS examples)


  1. Clone the project:
    git clone
  2. CD into relevant directory, Depeneds on what use-case you wish to execute (Example EC2):
    cd volumez/terraform/aws/examples/ec2/complete/easy_starter
  3. Before execution, you can edit predifined "easy_starter.tfvars" or execute it as is:
    vi easy_starter.tfvars or terraform init && terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"

Get Started




  1. Tenant Token (JWT Access Token) - Can be fetched from -> Sign in -> Developer Info
  2. Region - Target AWS region (example: us-east-1)

Existing Network Configuration (Optional, edit easy_starter.tfvars):

Important Note, when using existing resources, for optimal performance make sure that the existing instances are part of a placement group (link) and provide it's id in the parameter below.

  1. target_vpc_id - Existing VPC ID to add the relevant resources to. If provided, the resources will be created in this VPC instead of creating a new one.
  2. target_subnet_id - Existing Subnet ID where the resources will be placed. If provided, the resources will be created in this subnet instead of creating a new one.
  3. target_security_group_id - Existing Security Group ID to be associated with the resources. If provided, this security group will be used instead of creating a new one. Port 22 should be open.
  4. target_placement_group_id - Existing Placement Group ID. If provided, this placement group will be used instead of creating a new one.


Create with default values

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"

Custom variables (List of available variables can be found under Examples > mix_and_match)

terraform init
terraform apply -var="media_node_ami=ami-08895422b5f3aa64a" -var="media_node_type=i3en.3xlarge"

Custom variables (edit easy_starter.tfvars if needed)

# General Configuration
region  = "us-west-2"
resources_name_suffix = "volumez"
num_of_zones = 1
create_fault_domain = true
avoid_pg = true

# Existing Network Configuration (Optional)
target_vpc_id = "vpc-0206e352378bc22b3"
target_subnet_id = "subnet-0669d33500b48cfd8"
target_security_group_id = "sg-0899dcd5079369204"
target_placement_group_id = ""

# Media Nodes
media_node_count = 4
media_node_type = "is4gen.2xlarge"
media_node_iam_role = null
media_node_ami = "default"
media_node_ami_username = "default"
media_node_name_prefix = "media"

# App Nodes
app_node_count = 0
app_node_type = "m5n.xlarge"
app_node_iam_role = null
app_node_ami = "default"
app_node_ami_username = "default"
app_node_name_prefix = "app"


terraform destroy


terraform destroy -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"

SSH To Node

Create a key file from terraform output and name it

terraform output ssh_key_value > <ssh-key-name>

SSH to media/app node in private subnet via Bastion server

ssh -i <ssh-key-name> -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "ProxyCommand=ssh -W %h:%p ec2-user@<bastion_public_dns> -i <ssh-key-name> -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ec2-user@<media/app_nodes_private_ips>



to use pre-defined easy starter variables you can use:

terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"
  • 7 media nodes accross 2 AZ's
  • media node type: is4gen.2xlarge
  • default OS: Red Hat 8.7

No default values, the following should be set in order to execute the terraform:

  1. region - target region
  2. num_of_zones - number of AZ's to create the media/app nodes in. (evenlly spread between AZ's)
  3. create fault domain - when set to true, placement group starategy will be 'partition's, otherwise 'cluster'
  4. tenant_token - Tenant Token (JWT Access Token) - Can be fetched from -> Sign in -> Developer Info
  5. media_node_count - Number of media nodes to create
  6. media_node_type - Media EC2 type
  7. app_node_count - number of performance hosts
  8. app_node_type - EC2 type for application node




  1. CSI Driver Token (Refresh Token) - Can be fetched from -> Sign in -> Developer Info
  2. Region - Target AWS region (example: us-east-1)

Usage (Terraform) - Create EKS cluster

Create with default values

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"

Custom variables (List of available variables can be found under Examples > mix_and_match)

terraform init
terraform apply -var="media_node_count=4" -var="media_node_type=i3en.3xlarge"


terraform destroy


terraform output

Example output:

cluster_endpoint = ""
cluster_id = "Volumez-eks-xWG3D5gq"
cluster_name = "Volumez-eks-xWG3D5gq"
cluster_security_group_id = "sg-0a2afe43ebc6abd06"
region = "us-east-1"

Usage (helm) - Deploy Volumez-CSI configuration

Configure kubectl

Configure kubectl so that you can connect to an EKS cluster:
aws eks --region <region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>
region and cluster_name parameters can be found in Terraform's output

Deploy CSI driver deployment with helm

helm repo add volumez-csi
helm install volumez-csi volumez-csi/volumez-csi --set vlzAuthToken=eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLC -n vlz-csi-driver --create-namespace

Install Only on Specific Node/Node-Group

To install the volumez-csi on specific node or nodegroup, label the node/nodegroup and add the following to the end of install command (fill in the correct values instead of "label-key" and "label-values"):

--set-json 'csiNodeVlzplugin.affinity={"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"<label-key>","operator":"In","values":["<label-values>"]}]}]}}}'


--set-json 'csiNodeVlzplugin.affinity={"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"nodepool-type","operator":"In","values":["app", "media"]}]}]}}}'

Upgrade CSI driver

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo volumez-csi to see the charts.

helm upgrade volumez-csi . -n vlz-csi-driver --set certmanager.installCRDs=false --set vlzAuthToken=eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLC

Uninstall CSI driver

helm uninstall volumez-csi -n vlz-csi-driver



to use pre-defined easy starter variables you can use:

terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"
  • 6 media nodes
  • media node type: i3en.3xlarge


No default values, the following should be set in order to execute the terraform:

  1. region - target region
  2. media_node_count - Number of media nodes to create
  3. media_node_type - Media EC2 type
  4. app_node_count - number of performance hosts
  5. app_node_type - EC2 type for application node

Application deployment

power_starter and mix_and_match are supporting the creation of application nodes. In these examples 2 node groups will be created in a single EKS. In order to deploy your application use the following node affinity configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: instance-type
            operator: In
            - volumez-app-ng            
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent




  1. Tenant Token (JWT Access Token) - Can be fetched from -> Sign in -> Developer Info
  2. Region - Target Azure region (example: eastus)


Create with default values

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"


terraform destroy

SSH To Node

verify bastion was deployed (deploy_bastion=true in easy_starter.tfvars)

  1. terraform output tls_private_key > ssh_key
  2. Go to Azure console and select the VM you want to ssh into
  3. Click on Connect->Bastion
  4. Select Authentication Type: SSH Private Key from Local File
  5. Username: adminuser
  6. Local File: upload ssh_key from stage 1



to use pre-defined easy starter variables you can use:

terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"
  • 16 media nodes (spread across 2 availability zones)
  • media node type: Standard_L8s_v3
  • default OS: Red Hat 8.7

custom configs

edit or copy easy_starter.tfvars to a new file and set values as you wish:

  1. resource_group_location - target region
  2. resource_prefix - prefix for resource group name
  3. zones - List of AZ's to create the media/app nodes in. (evenlly spread between AZ's)
  4. media_node_count - Number of media nodes to create
  5. media_node_type - Media VM type
  6. app_node_count - number of performance hosts
  7. app_node_type - VM type for application node
  8. image_publisher/offer/sku/version - OS image details




  1. CSI Driver Token (Refresh Token) - Can be fetched from -> Sign in -> Developer Info
  2. Region - Target Azure resource group region (example: East US)

Usage (Terraform) - Create AKS cluster

Create with default values

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"


terraform destroy -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"


terraform output

Example output:

cluster_name = "Volumez-aks-xWG3D5gq"
resource_group_name = "Volumez-aks-xWG3D5gq-rg"

Usage (helm) - Deploy Volumez-CSI configuration

Configure kubectl

Configure kubectl so that you can connect to an AKS cluster:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <aks-cluster-name>
resource-group-name and aks-cluster-name parameters can be found in Terraform's output

Deploy CSI driver deployment with helm

helm repo add volumez-csi
helm install volumez-csi volumez-csi/volumez-csi --set vlzAuthToken=eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLC -n vlz-csi-driver --create-namespace

Install Only on Specific Node/Node-Group

To install the volumez-csi on specific node or nodegroup, label the node/nodegroup and add the following to the end of install command (fill in the correct values instead of "label-key" and "label-values"):

--set-json 'csiNodeVlzplugin.affinity={"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"<label-key>","operator":"In","values":["<label-values>"]}]}]}}}'


--set-json 'csiNodeVlzplugin.affinity={"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"nodepool-type","operator":"In","values":["app", "media"]}]}]}}}'

Upgrade CSI driver

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo volumez-csi to see the charts.

helm upgrade volumez-csi . -n vlz-csi-driver --set certmanager.installCRDs=false --set vlzAuthToken=eyJjdHkiOiJKV1QiLC

Uninstall CSI driver

helm uninstall volumez-csi -n vlz-csi-driver



to use pre-defined easy starter variables you can use:

terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"
  • 6 media nodes
  • media node size: Standard_L8s_v3


No default values, the following should be set in order to execute the terraform (will be prompted on command line):

  1. resource_group_location - Target region
  2. media_node_count - Number of media nodes to create
  3. media_node_type - Media node size
  4. app_node_count - Number of application nodes
  5. app_node_type - Application node size
  6. k8s_version - kubernetes cluster version (i.e: 1.24)

Application deployment

power_starter and mix_and_match are supporting the creation of application nodes. In these examples 2 node groups will be created in a single AKS. In order to deploy your application use the following node affinity configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
        - matchExpressions:
          - key: nodepool-type
            operator: In
            - app           
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent




  1. CSI Driver Token (Refresh Token) - Can be fetched from -> Sign in -> Developer Info
  2. Region - Target Azure resource group region (example: East US)


Create with default values (you can also edit these values)

terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"

Custom variables (edit easy_starter.tfvars if needed)

resource_group_location = "eastus"
resource_prefix = "volumez"

### 2.Target Resource Group (create the VMSS in an existing resource group) ###
target_resource_group_location = ""
target_resource_group_name = ""

### VMSS ###
vmss_type = "flexible" 
create_fault_domain = true 
platform_fault_domain_count can be 2-5 (set in variable below)
platform_fault_domain_count = 5

### Network ###
zones = ["1", "2"] 
target_proximity_placement_group_id = null
target_virtual_network_name = ""
target_subnet_id = null
deploy_bastion = false

### Media ###
media_node_type = "Standard_L8s_v3"
media_node_count = 20   
media_image_publisher = "Canonical"
media_image_offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy" 
media_image_sku = "22_04-lts-gen2"
media_image_version = "latest"

vlz_refresh_token = ""


terraform destroy -var-file="easy_starter.tfvars"

Explaining the variables

  1. resource_prefix - Prefix for naming the resources that will be created by this Terraform (if creating a new resource-group)
  2. resource_group_location - location to create resource group (if creating a new resource-group)
  3. target_resource_group_location - location in which the resource group exists (if using existing resource-group)
  4. target_resource_group_name - name of the resource group to created our vmss in (if using existing resource-group)
  5. zones - list of availability zones. i.e: ["1"] (for single-zone), ["1", "2", ...] (for multi-zone)
  6. target_proximity_placement_group_id - proximity group id in which vmss will be scaled in. In case "zones" list contains more than one zone, this value will be ignored
  7. target_virtual_network_name - vnet name in which vmss will be scaled in
  8. target_subnet_id - subnet id in which vmss will be scaled in.
  9. media_node_type - VM size
  10. media_node_count - num of VMs in VMSS
  11. media_image_* - marketplace OS configuration block
  12. vlz_refresh_token - Refresh Token (CSI Token) - Can retrieve from Volumez portal under Developer Info
  13. vmss_type - uniform or flexible orchestration
  14. create_fault_domain - use more than 1 fault domain platform_fault_domain_count - number of fault daomins to use (see limitations below)

Fault Domain Count Limitations

  1. if vmss_type = "uniform/flexible" and create_fault_domain = false, platform_fault_domain_count will be 1
  2. if vmss_type = "uniform" and create_fault_domain = true, platform_fault_domain_count will be 5
  3. if vmss_type = "flexible" and create_fault_domain = true, platform_fault_domain_count can be 2 or 3 (set in variable below)
  4. if vmss_type = "flexible" and create_fault_domain = true and Microsoft.Compute/VMOrchestratorZonalMultiFD is enabled, platform_fault_domain_count can be 2-5

SSH To Node

verify bastion was deployed (deploy_bastion=true in easy_starter.tfvars)

  1. terraform output tls_private_key > ssh_key
  2. Go to Azure console and select the VMSS instance you want to ssh into
  3. Click on Connect->Bastion
  4. Select Authentication Type: SSH Private Key from Local File
  5. Username: adminuser
  6. Local File: upload ssh_key from stage 1


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