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Configuration Preview

Vrekt edited this page Jul 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

This page attempts to document the various configuration values.

In most cases, you can already find documentation for the relevant configuration value in the check class.


Some checks have different check methods for different versions.

In the configuration, these are labeled as version-x-x-x. For example: version-1-8-8 which represents 1.8.8.

So in turn, this allows you have different values based on what works for you on the server version.


The value notify-every allows you to configure how often a check will notify of a violation.

This number must be an even number. When the players violation level is divisible by the provided number, it will notify.

For example notify-every: 1, will notify every time.

For example notify-every: 4, will notify every x4 violations, so (4) (8) (12) (16) (20)... etc.

# The global kick message. Players will see this message when kicked.
# Valid parameters:
# - %check%
global-kick-message: "&cYou have been kicked for %check%"

# The global kick delay in seconds.
global-kick-delay: 0

# The message to send to players with the permission `arc.violations`
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - the prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %time% - The time banned for
global-violations-kick-message: "%prefix% &9%player%&f will be kicked for &c%check%&f in &c%time%&f seconds."

# The global ban message. Players will see this message when banned.
# Valid parameters
# - %check%
global-ban-message: "&cYou have been banned for %check%"

# The global ban delay in seconds.
global-ban-delay: 0

# The global ban type.
# Valid parameters:
# - NAME
# - IP
global-ban-type: NAME

# The global ban length type.
# Valid parameters:
# - DAYS - Days
# - YEARS - Years
# - PERM - Permanent
global-ban-length-type: DAYS

# How long a player should be banned for.
global-ban-length: 30

# If the ban should be broadcasted.
global-broadcast-ban: false

# The message to broadcast if `global-broadcast-ban` is `true`
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - The prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %time% - The time banned for
# - %type% - Days, Years, Permanent
# Example: Skiddin(%player%) was banned for Speed(%check%) for 30(%time%) days(%type%)
global-broadcast-ban-message: "%prefix% &c%player% was banned for %check% for %time% %type%"

# The message to send to players with the permission `arc.violations`
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - the prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %time% - The time banned for
global-violations-ban-message: "%prefix% &9%player%&f will be banned for &c%check%&f in &c%time%&f seconds."

# If check timings should be enabled.
enable-check-timings: true

# If the TPS helper should be enabled.
enabled-tps-helper: true

# If the TPS drops below this amount TPS helper will engage.
tps-helper-limit: 17

# The message to display when a violation occurs
# Valid parameters:
# - %prefix% - the prefix
# - %player% - The player name
# - %check% - The check name
# - %level% - the violation level
violation-notify-message: "%prefix% &9%player%&f has violated check &c%check%&8(&c%level%&8)&7"

# The message to display when the sender has no permission for the /arc command.
arc-command-no-permission-message: "Unknown command. Type /help for help."

# The prefix to show in chat.
arc-prefix: "&8[&cArc&8]"

# The amount of time after a player leaves their violation data will be removed, in minutes.
violation-data-timeout: 30

# If the event API should be enabled.
enable-event-api: true

# If debug messages are enabled:
debug-messages: false

# If AdvancedBan plugin should be used for banning/kicking.
use-advanced-ban: false

# If LiteBans plugin should be used for banning/kicking.
use-lite-bans: false

# The lite bans command to execute.
# For example: /ban Player -s 7d cheating
# %player% - the player
# Any liteban flag you may want, for example -s
# %length% - the length of the ban
# %reason% - the reason
lite-bans-command: "%player% -p %length% %reason%"
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  minimum-distance-allowed: 0.099
  max-no-movement-allowed: 3
  max-similar-movement-allowed: 3
  min-similar-movement-difference: 0.05
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: true
  ban-level: 20
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  max-flying-packets-per-second: 25
  max-position-packets-per-second: 25
  max-look-packets-per-second: 25
  kick-if-threshold-reached: true
  packet-kick-threshold: 50
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  expected-fall-distance-tolerance: 1.0
  invalid-ground-moves-allowed: 50
  distance-fallen-threshold: 2.5
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: true
  ban-level: 5
  kick: true
  kick-level: 2
  max-packet-size-books: 4096
  max-packet-size-others: 32767
  check-interval-milliseconds: 1000
  max-packets-per-interval: 1
  max-packet-size-kick: true
  max-packets-per-interval-kick: true
  - MC|BSign
  - MC|BEdit
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: true
  ban-level: 10
  kick: true
  kick-level: 5
  max-packets-per-second: 50
  kick-if-threshold-reached: false
  packet-kick-threshold: 100
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    regeneration-time-minimum: 3400
    regeneration-time-minimum: 450
    regeneration-time-minimum: 450
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    use-delta-min: 100
    delta-shot-min: 200
    consume-time-ms: 1400
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  time-in-liquid-required: 3
  max-setback-distance: 2
  time-ascending-required: 1
  time-in-liquid-required-distance-checking: 3
  max-no-distance-change-allowed: 3
  ascending-min-distance-required: 0.12
  ascending-min-difference-distance: 0.05
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  max-survival-distance: 4.0
  max-creative-distance: 6.5
  ignore-vertical-axis: true
  subtract-eye-height: true
  default-eye-height: 1.75
  subtract-player-velocity: true
  subtract-entity-velocity: true
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    swing-time: 100
    swing-time: 1000
    swing-time: 1000
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    max-yaw-difference: 75
    max-pitch-difference: 75
    max-attacks-per-second: 20
    min-attack-delta: 35
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  max-jump-distance: 0.42
  max-climbing-speed-up: 0.12
  max-climbing-speed-down: 0.151
  climbing-cooldown: 5
  max-ascend-time: 7
  jump-boost-ascend-amplifier: 3
  ground-distance-threshold: 1.25
  ground-distance-horizontal-cap: 0.5
  slime-block-distance-fallen-threshold: 0
  vertical-clip-vertical-minimum: 0.99
  safe-location-update-distance-threshold: 1.99
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 1
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  base-move-speed-sprinting: 0.2873
  base-move-speed-walking: 0.2166
  base-move-speed-sneaking: 0.0666
  cancel-large-movements: true
  large-movements: 3
  teleport-cooldown-ms: 500
  ice-slipperiness: 0.98
  sneak-time-delay-ice: 20
  sneak-time-delay: 15
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  survival-distance: 5.2
  creative-distance: 6.0
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  survival-distance: 5.2
  creative-distance: 6.0
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
  survival-distance: 5.2
  creative-distance: 6.0
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    swing-time: 100
    swing-time: 1000
    swing-time: 1000
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    swing-time: 100
    swing-time: 1000
    swing-time: 1000
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: false
  ban-level: 0
  kick: false
  kick-level: 0
    swing-time: 100
    swing-time: 1000
    swing-time: 1000
  enabled: true
  cancel: true
  cancel-level: 0
  notify: true
  notify-every: 4
  ban: true
  ban-level: 1000
  kick: true
  kick-level: 500
  packet-check: true
  creative-only: true
  max-breaks-per-second: 15
  min-delta-between-breaks: 50
  min-delta-between-breaks-threshold: 5
  check-packets: true
  max-break-packets-per-second: 50
  kick-if-threshold-reached: false
  packet-kick-threshold: 100
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