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Framework Programming Course

Venia Sollery Aliyya Hasna - 5025201161

What entities/models are involved in the application?

The entities that are involved in this project are User and Product

Above is the models that are used in the code.

Application use cases. Format: Role type can perform a feature

As a use case, three roles are made which are Admin, Seller, and Buyer. These three role type have different feature.

The table below gives information about the features each roles have.

Role Type feature
Admin role-list, role-create, role-edit, role-delete, product-list, product-create, product-edit, product-delete
Seller role-list, product-list, product-create, product-edit, product-delete,
Buyer product-list

Below is the list of users that are assigned to different roles.


As an example,the user is logged in as Admin since the role Admin can list, create, edit, and delete roles, of course it can access the role management page.


Below is an interface when the role Seller tries to access role management page. the user is logged in as Seller since the role only have a feauture to list role the Show button will only be available.


As an example the user is logged in as Buyer, that means it can only list products. Here is an example when Buyer tries to acces roles management page.

It will give a 403 status code.

But Buyer are able to list products. Below is an example:

Controllers, Middleware, and additional libraries used and their respective functions

There are 4 controllers in this project which are HomeController, ProductController, RoleController, and UserController.


The functions of HomeController is to handle the request to the home page and also utilizez middleware so that only user that are logged in can access the page.

For example:

public function __construct()


The functions of ProductController is to handle requests from clients and product-related actions. It also performs tasks such as data retrival and manipulation. In addition they construct response to client for Products.They also handle requests such as create, edit, update, and delete products. Lastly, it contains middleware to which roles are able to access the page.


RoleController handles roles-related actions and is responsible for responding to client requests made to anything relating to Roles. It also carries out operations like data retrieval and manipulation. Additionally, they create client responses for roles.They also handle requests such as create, edit, update, and delete roles. Finally, it has middleware that allows which roles has access for listing, editing, deleting, and creating roles.


UserController handles user-related actions such as registration, login, and edit profile. It also handles user authentication and authorization.


In this project it uses spite package for roles and permissions. It provides how to assign role to user and permissions to users and how to assign permission to roles. Spite package also comes with a built in middleware. The said middleware needs to be added to the Kernel.php file as below:

 protected $middlewareAliases = [
     'role' => \Spatie\Permission\Middlewares\RoleMiddleware::class,
     'permission' => \Spatie\Permission\Middlewares\PermissionMiddleware::class,
     'role_or_permission' => \Spatie\Permission\Middlewares\RoleOrPermissionMiddleware::class,

This middleware functions as authorization for roles, permission, and both.

DB, external interfaces: database table structure used.


This project have several table such as users table, roles table, products table, permissions table, roles_has_permissions table, 'model_has_rolestable, and model_has_permissions table.

user table

The user table has 7 coulumns which consist of:

roles table

The roles table has 5 coulumns which consist of:

products table

The product table has 5 coulumns which consist of:

permissions table

The permissions table has 5 coulumns which consist of:

roles_has_permissions table

The roles_has_permissions table has 2 coulumns which consist of:

In this case the role_id is a foreign key from role_id in permissions table.

model_has_roles table

The model_has_roles table table has 3 coulumns which consist of:

model_has_permissions table

The model_has_permissions table table has 3 coulumns which consist of:

External Interface

Data Access Interface

-> This is the database that has been mentioned before.

User Interfaces

-> This is the views which is located in the resources folder. This project consist of many different view including:

  • Theme Layout which is the app.blade.php.

  • User Module which are index.blade.php, create.blade.php, edit.blade.php, and show.blade.php

  • Roles Module which are index.blade.php, create.blade.php, edit.blade.php, and show.blade.php

  • Product Module which are index.blade.php, create.blade.php, edit.blade.php, and show.blade.php


Implementation of spatie user roles and permissions







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