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How to read books in Russian with stress marks and interactive dictionary lookup

Hannes Krumbiegel edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 7 revisions

You want to read any Russian ebook like this, with stress marks and a dictionary that instantly translates any word?

Here are the necessary steps (if you are stuck at any step, you can open an issue and ask for help).:

  1. First, follow the steps described here to add stress marks to the book.

  2. Download the Russian-English dictionary in Stardict format und unpack the file to receive the russian_stardict folder

  3. Then you need a program that can display ebooks and supports dictionaries.

For Android Tablets/many e-book-readers, I can recommend KOReader. Install the app, then connect your tablet to the PC using a cable. Then unlock the screen of your tablet (and, depending on your tablet, also enable the file transfer option which might be in a notification). Then copy the russian_stardict folder into the /koreader/data/dict folder (and of course the ebooks you want to read into some other folder).

Then start the KOReader app and select any ebook. Now any long press on a word will give you the translation!

For Windows, one option is to use the Goldendict program. Be sure to install and open it. Then in the menu bar select Edit -> Dictionaries... and click on Add..., selecting the russian_stardict folder you gained in step two. Now, click on the magic wand symbol to enable translation popups (and maybe on the zoom symbol to increase the text size). Now you translate any text (even on web pages) by selecting it and pressing Ctrl + C + C !

You can now use this with ebooks by opening them in Calibre (simply double-clicking on the Epub file), marking words there, and pressing Ctrl + C + C

For Linux KOReader should also work.