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Concept Markdown Output

Darren Comeau edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Just starting the ball rolling on ideas for the formatting.


Generated on: 14 October 2018 11:34:52 2 tests : 1 passing : 1 failing

My Project/Assembly/Class?


My First Feature

In order to achieve something as a person I want something else to happen


Given I do something And I do something else

fail A scenario where something happens

When I do something Then this result happens

@Tag @Other

pass A scenario where something else happens

When I do something Then this result happens


My Second Feature

In order to achieve something as a person I want something else to happen

fail A scenario where something happens

When I do something Then this result happens


inconclusive A scenario where something else happens

When I do something Then this result happens