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A general purpose discord bot made with Nextcord & Mafic


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DevBot is a personal Discord bot designed to manage my Discord server, but it can be used for any server. It has a variety of features, including moderation, fun, and utility commands. It also has a leveling system, which allows users to gain experience and level up. The bot is written in Python using the nextcord library. It is currently in development, and new features are being added regularly. If you have any suggestions, feel free to open an issue or pull request.

Table of Contents

Installation & Running

To install and use the bot, you'll need the following tools:

You'll also need to install Lavalink, but it is included in the repository.

First, You'll need to create a Discord Application. First, head to the Discord Developer Portal, and create a new application.


After, you'll need to create a Genius API account. To do this, head to the Genius API website and create a new application.


Then, you may install the repository. To do this, open a terminal and run the following commands:

git clone

Once the repository is cloned, you'll need to install the dependencies. To do this, run one of the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note Use python -m, pip3 or similar if that is how you install your pakages Generally, Windows uses py -m and UNIX machines python3 -m

Then, you'll need to install Lavalink. Lavalink is a plugin that allows the bot to play music. It is bundled with the repository, so you don't need to download it. To install it, run the following commands:

cd plugins/Lavalink
java -jar Lavalink.jar

Each time you want to run the bot, you'll need to run the Lavalink server by doing the two exact same commands.

Now, it's time to do the bot's configuration. To start the configuration, run the following command:

py config/

Note: As mentionned earlier, the command may be different depending on your OS.

Fill out the form and once done, you'll be ready to run the bot. To do so, run the following command:

py src/

Note: As always, the command may be different depending on your OS.

Note: You can add rules to the bot by going in config.cfg and adding a new line with the following format: rules: {}. In between those brackets, you can add rules by doing the following: rule: description. You can add as many rules as you want, but make sure to add a comma after each rule except the last one.

Before running the bot, Make sure to check if all python files have the correct path.

Features & Commands

DevBot has a variety of features, including moderation, fun, and utility commands. It also has a leveling system, which allows users to gain experience and level up. The bot is written in Python using the nextcord library. It is currently in development, and new features are being added regularly. If you have any suggestions, feel free to open an issue or pull request.

Command Name Description Usage Category
category create Creates a new category with the specified name. /category create <name> Administration
category delete Deletes the specified category. /category delete <name> Administration
category move Moves a channel to a specified category /category move <channel> Administration
channel create Creates a new channel with the specified name. /channel create <name> Administration
channel delete Deletes the specified channel. /channel delete <name> Administration
role add Adds a role to the specified user. /role add <user> <role> Administration
role create Creates a new role with the specified name. /role create <name> Administration
role delete Deletes the specified role. /role delete <name> Administration
role remove Removes a role from the specified user. /role remove <user> <role> Administration
role rename Renames the specified role. /role rename <name> Administration
uptime Displays the bot's uptime. /uptime Development
cls Clears the terminal output. /cls Development
print Prints a message to the terminal. /print <message> Development
restart Restarts the bot. /restart Development
shutdown Shuts down the bot. /shutdown Development
cog load Loads a cog. /cog load <cog> Development
cog unload Unloads a cog. /cog unload <cog> Development
cog reload Reloads a cog. /cog reload <cog> Development
cog create Creates a cog. /cog create <name> <type> Development
activity Sets the bot's activity. /activity <name> Development
status Sets the bot's status. /status <online,idle,dnd,invisible> Development
file read Reads a file. /file read <path> Development
file create Creates a file. /file create <path> Development
file write Writes to a file. /file write <path> <message> Development
file delete Deletes a file. /file delete <path> Development
folder create Creates a folder. /folder create <path> Development
folder delete Deletes a folder. /folder delete <path> Development
folder list Lists the contents of a folder. /folder list <path> Development
eval Evaluates Python code. /eval <expression> Development
log Logs a message to the terminal. /log <debug,info,warning,error,critical,success,fail> <message> Development
request Sends an http request to a website. /request <url> Development
jsondiagram Generates a diagram from a json file/string. /jsondiagram <json> Development
8ball Asks the magic 8ball a question. /8ball <question> Fun
coinflip Flips a coin. /coinflip Fun
dice Rolls a dice. /dice Fun
rps Plays rock, paper, scissors. /rps <rock,paper,scissors> Fun
choose Chooses between multiple options. /choose <option1,option2...> Fun
slots Plays the slots. /slots Fun
russianroulette Plays russian roulette. /russianroulette Fun
ruin Ruins text. /ruin <text> Fun
morse Converts text to morse code. /morse <text> Fun
reverse Reverses text. /reverse <text> Fun
rules Displays the server rules. /rules Informations
userinfo Displays information about a user. /userinfo <user> Informations
serverinfo Displays information about the server. /serverinfo Informations
roleinfo Displays information about a role. /roleinfo <role> Informations
channelinfo Displays information about a channel. /channelinfo <channel> Informations
github Displays information about the bot's GitHub repository. /github <user/repository> Informations
website Displays information about the bot's website. /website <url> Informations
rank Displays your rank. /rank <member> Levelling
leaderboard Displays the server leaderboard. /leaderboard Levelling
reset Resets your rank. /reset Levelling
raidmode Toggles raidmode. /raidmode <True,False> Moderation
lock Locks a channel. /lock <channel> Moderation
unlock Unlocks a channel. /unlock <channel> Moderation
slowmode Sets the slowmode of a channel. /slowmode <channel> <time> Moderation
ban Bans a user. /ban <user> <reason> Moderation
unban Unbans a user. /unban <user> Moderation
kick Kicks a user. /kick <user> <reason> Moderation
clear Clears messages. /clear <amount> Moderation
timeout Timeouts a user. /timeout <user> <time> <reason> Moderation
warn Warns a user. /warn <user> <reason> Moderation
warnings Displays a user's warnings. /warnings <user> Moderation
clearwarns Clears a user's warnings. /clearwarns <user> Moderation
removewarn Removes a warning from a user. /removewarn <user> <id> Moderation
play Plays a song. /play <song> Music
pause Pauses the music. /pause Music
resume Resumes the music. /resume Music
volume Changes the volume. /volume <volume> Music
nowplaying Displays the current song. /nowplaying Music
stop Stops the music. /stop Music
connect Joins a voice channel. /connect Music
disconnect Disconnects from a voice channel. /disconnect Music
lyrics Displays the lyrics of a song. /lyrics <song> Music
poll Creates a poll. /poll <question> <choice1,choice2...> Utils
pollresults Displays the results of a poll. /pollresults <message id> Utils
ping Displays the bot's ping. /ping Utils
say Makes the bot say something. /say <message> Utils
embed Makes the bot send an embed. /embed <title> <description> Utils
nick Changes your nickname. /nick <nickname> Utils
resetnick Resets your nickname. /resetnick Utils
avatar Displays a user's avatar. /avatar <user> Utils
giveaway Creates a giveaway. /giveaway <time> <winners> <prize> Utils
ticket Creates a ticket message. /ticket <message id> Utils
math Evaluates a mathematical expression. /math <expression> Utils
img Generates an image with AI. /img <prompt> Utils


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. More informations in

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⬇️⬇️ DevLabs ⬇️⬇️
