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DVFC Sample App for Android


This is a sample app to outline the functionality of the W2 DVFC solution.


Please follow this guide for consuming GitHub Packages feeds:

Open the build.gradle file in the root of the project and add your GitHub username and PAT token

License Key

Open the app/src/main/java/com/example/w2_clean_example/MainActivity.kt file and replace "YOUR LICENSE KEY HERE" with the license key provided by W2.

Running the sample

Open this sample in Android Studio (tested with version 4.2.2). Run the project as a standard Android Studio project. More information can be found here:


An example of localization available can be found in app/src/main/res and these are the following available localizations:

    <!-- Facial Comparison -->
    <string name="hg_move_in_frame">Move in frame</string>
    <string name="hg_hold_steady">Hold steady</string>
    <string name="hg_blink">Blink!</string>
    <string name="hg_too_close">Too close! Move away</string>
    <string name="hg_too_far_away">Move Closer</string>
    <string name="hg_align_face_and_blink">Align face to begin</string>

    <!-- Document Verification -->
    <string name="acuant_camera_align">Align</string>
    <string name="acuant_camera_move_closer">Move Closer</string>
    <string name="acuant_camera_not_in_frame">Too close!</string>
    <string name="acuant_camera_hold_steady">Hold Steady</string>
    <string name="acuant_camera_capturing">Capturing</string>