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The new Web3 Choice to Monetise PID (Personal Identifiable Data)

Considering all the online data set structures, PID has the highest potential to create value: disintermediate revenue generation for individuals EU citizens.

"Without too much fanfare, the European Commission has recently put forward plans that might cause the largest leap forward in the European digital identity scene in the past twenty years."

Leveraging NFID and Dfinity Internet Computer in convergence with European data privacy guard rails ultimately will minimize the Web attack surface and eliminate passwords and username vulnerabilities.

The addition of private sector Digital Identity Service providers in the EEA/EFTA market delivers a greenfield trust ecosystem ideal for inbuild anonymous by default Web3 multi-factor authentication to drive adoption of the IC's promise of personal data ownership.

The opportunities for EU Web3 startups to turn data protection regulations into revenue "...are too good to ignore."

NFID-Suisse, FIDO2-WebAuthn, Dfinity Internet Identity Layer, deployed in compliance with EU regulations, would exceed the Self-Sovereign Identity goals of the European Digital Identity Wallet in advance of the September 2022 eIDAS2 'toolbox' release.

Considering all the Online data set structures, PID has the highest potential to create value: disintermediate revenue generation for individuals.

The March 7, 2021 Swiss E-ID (Electronic Identification) referendum rejected the Federal Law on a private sector issued national eID services.

A new proposal consultation on the Swiss government issed E-ID, the Federal Law on Electronic Proof of Identity and Other Electronic Evidence (BGEID) will last until October 2022.

A collaborative Use Case proposes to design the NFID autonomous by default onboarding and key management as a

(re)usable EIRA© (European Interoperability Reference Architecture) Solution Building Block (SBB) that maps to Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) of EIRA©

The NFID-Suisse SBB Gateway would offer eIDAS 2.0 and the BGEID a low-cost, low-effort implementation of the FIDO2 standard, consisting of the W3C WebAuthn standard and the FIDO Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP),

Deploying the NFID pluggable web-browser interface from Crypto Valley as EIRA© SBB.


In its current release, the Dfinity Internet Identity Anchor provides NFID a Web3 secure key management infrastructure to extend IIA's scalable privacy-preserving onboarding.

NFID unlinkable identity-account flexibility, i.e., single-step multi-credential (accounts) per the application default setting, is one of several USPs.

The anonymous by default, privacy by design NFID features will achieve GDPR Art. 17, 20, and 25 compliance.

Envisioned as an EU regulatory-compliance monetization model to offer user-friendly IAM incentives via user-profile modules, Dfinity IC Canister removes the cloud storage vulnerabilities.

Each module is a "Virtual Smart-Instance" process in compliance with Art. 17 right to be forgotten. Incentivising, personal data, and digital asset tokenized value creation that benefits the individual.

Regulated to only specific canister automated workflows for the user, which may require selectively-disclosed data access consent--transparent regulatory assurances and GDPR complaint, eIDAS interoperable consent logs: access logs, error logs, and security audit logs—enabling real-time discrepancy reporting.

IC subnets interoperable with eIDAS, European blockchain infrastructure distributed nodes, will enable clear-line-of-liability for EU citizens' cross-border access to ePublic services and eCommerce.

"With eIDAS 2.0, the EU Commission intends to make cross-border e-ID a reality. In a nutshell, by 2023, every EU member state must make a Digital Identity Wallet available to every citizen who wants one."

The countdown for EU member state governments', private-sector SMEs, investors, developers, and entrepreneurs vying to update pre-notified/notified national eID schemes infrastructure under the prior eIDAS (electronic identification, strong authentication, and trust services) has begun.

One of the key new elements of eIDAS2 is the introduction of European Digital Identity Wallets and the fact that these wallets can now also be provided by private service providers, which will allow for the creation of a new ecosystem for trust services.

Comprehensive new 2022 European consumer protection regulations for eIDs unveil greenfield opportunities for complementary eID, strong authentication, and authorization solution workflows.

That enables citizens to keep access to Personal Identifiable Data (PID) biometrically protected on their (biometric) devices (analogous to the ID in the wallet, verifiers, and anyone else).

eIDAS 2.0 has evolved from eIDs to the European Commission's first update to its pan-EEA/EFTA Digital Identity framework. Introducing the European Digital Identity Wallet. (EUDIW)

eIDAS legal framework for electronic signatures was subsequently amended in the new eIDAS 2.0 Regulation with four additional services:

  1. electronic seals (electronic signatures for legal persons),
  2. website authentication,
  3. timestamping and
  4. registered delivery services.

EU nations will be mandated to build an architecture to launch and support the new cross-border EDIW national eID schemes in 2023 with the eIDAS2 Toolbox using FIDO2 in a federated eIDAS-Node SAMLv2 environment.

EIRA© (European Interoperability Reference Architecture), which defines the functionality of eIDAS 2.0, proposes to mandate for the EUDIW via autonomous and (re)usable EIRA© Solution Building Block (SBB) that map to Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) of EIRA©

"The starting point for the building of the e-ID ecosystem will be the issuance of the e-ID itself, together with e-ID enabled digital signatures. The Swiss government has the political mandate for this implementation. This will kick off two parallel work streams. One will focus on developing demonstrators that show potential use cases in a sandbox setting, the other on designing and building infrastructure and governance."

Designing an NFID-Dfinity IC-based Swiss eID as a collaborative non-competitive component of EIRA© in support of:

a. the Q1 2022 Swisscom and Orell Füssli digital certificate partnership,

b. the Q1 2022 SwissSign SSI-joint State of Aargau and Adnovum project,

c. the State of Zug decentralized identity for eGov ti&m, HSLU, and,

d. uPort project could be a low-hanging fruit opportunity.

Considered the most advanced Swiss eID projects with considerable resources, they may find NFIDs build on the only entirely non-profit Swiss Web3 Foundation's synergistic value proposition. Based on NFIDs, FIDO2/WebAuthn innovations - are built on Dfinity's enterprise-web speed public blockchain, the Internet Computer.

The Federal Department of Justice/Police (FDJP) and DigitalSwitzerland recommended ensuring an EU interoperable Swiss eID despite a real chance that stalled EU-Swiss treaty agreement negotiations could limit access to the EU's Horizon Europe Digital Identity funding programs.

The development of a Dfinity-IC-based NFID-Suiss, an "anonymous by default strong-authentication process," accelerates NFID's mission to become the privacy-preserving identity layer of the Internet.

The Commission is investing heavily to provide a Self-Sovereign, Non-Fungible Identity Choice for the 508 million citizens of the Digital Single Market, one of the European Commission's ten political priorities close the digital gap between the US and China.

With $20 trillion in GDP, Europe has the 2nd largest GDP globally, right behind China and ahead of the US; Brexit showcased that despite the EU representing 15% of the world's economy, it is forecast to fall to about 12% by 2030.

The EUDIW is touted as the remedy to reverse the forecast; Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is touted by only a few as key toCommission'sion's economic growth initiative.  

Although eliminating the US and China platform pan-EU lock-in is mandatory for EUDIWs. There is no mandate from the EU that all member states use blockchain technology to implement the European digital identity framework.

NFID is well-positioned to offer

  • data-subject controlled
  • secure and frictionless
  • privacy-preserving
  • platform-agostic eIDs across the EU.  

The proposed collaborative Use Case provides the SBB for the low-cost, low-effort deployment of the FIDO2 standard, consisting of the W3C WebAuthn standard and the FIDO Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP), and deploy the pluggable web-browser interface from Crypto Valley as EIRA© SBB.

White boarded to comply with the EU privacy-protection laws consisting of the

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
  • the ePrivacy Directive (ePD) and
  • the European Data Protection Board. (EDPB)

The robust privacy invoked by EU data protection regulations is based on the constitutional privacy declarations in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Articles 7 and 8 mandate individual EU citizens' respect for private life and personal data protection.

The first layer of data privacy forms the most enforceable transparent, accountable data protection regulatory compliance structure for controlling the processing and flow of Personal Identifiable Data (PID) on the European continent.  

Monetizing the EU eTrust Regulations with data-subject incentivized Profile Modules, frictionless user-value that benefits citizens--the NFID-Suisse SBB DBMC (Decentralised Business Model Canvas) are designed to drive anonymous-by default Self Sovereign EU Digital Identity Wallet adoption.

The use of NFID Internet Identity layer onboarding offers flexible compliance with EU consumer protection directives:

° the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA)

° the Data Act (DA)

° the Data Governance Act (DGA)

° the European Digital Identity Framework (EDIF)

° the Digital Markets Act (DMA)

° the Digital Services Act (DSA)

° the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

° the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Identity Proofing Standard

° the Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2)

° the 5th Anti Money Laundering Directive (AML5)

° the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II)

° the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)

° the Standard contractual Clauses (SCC)

° the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework

° the Schrems II Judgment

° the new electronic IDentification, Authentic and trust Services (eIDAS 2.0)

° the Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF) Toolkit

In convergence with the (fully-revised) 2022 Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) and the New Swiss DLT Act, they facilitate digital identity for all European citizens and a new universal standard for the world.

The 2021 DLT Law is one of the only blockchain legal frameworks that foster clear-line-of-liability for cross-border data-privacy-protected eService transactions.

NexGen enterprise ITC stacks, eliminating cloud storage vulnerabilities while ensuring citizens complete control of personal data and digital assets while drastically cutting costs.

One of the EU Commission's major objectives is Web3 inclusive economic growth for the Digital Single Market.








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