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WANdisco replicated its-base plugin for Gerrit Code Review

This plugin provides the core functionality for interacting with Issue Tracking Systems, for example: Jira, Redmine or Github Issues.

The WANdisco version of this plugin allows installation to multiple replicated GerritMS sites where each site will perform validation or enforcement of a ticket reference in commit messages and a single site made responsible for interacting with the ITS, i.e. Posting comments or updating ticket status based on gerrit event triggers.

Install an ITS plugin

This its-base plugin should have been used as a dependency to build one of the supported ITS plugins, e.g. its-jira, its-github, its-redmine or its-phabricator. In this document, we'll use its-jira as the example.

Once you have installed GerritMS on all nodes, to install the its-* plugin, copy the plugin jar into the plugins folder on all sites you wish the plugin to run. We recommend installing to all sites:

cp -piv <path-to>/its-jira.jar <GERRIT-SITE>/plugins/

Configuring the plugin

Configuration is done at the gerrit site level and also at project.config level.

To configure the connection and authentication to a jira server, add the following section to /etc/secure.config:

    url =
    username = jira.user
    password = !jiraPassword123

To configure the ticket association policy and comment links, add the following sections to /etc/gerrit.config. Explanations of the options will follow:

[plugin "its-jira"] association = SUGGESTED serverRole = VALIDATE_AND_POST [commentlink "its-jira"] match = ([A-Z]+-[0-9]+) html = "<href a="$1\">$1"

  1. "association" tells the plugin how it should enforce commit messages having a ticket ID. The value is one of:

    • OPTIONAL A ticket ID is not required
    • SUGGESTED A a ticket ID is not supplied, Gerrit will return a hint to the user's console that it's recommended to supply one in the message.
    • MANDATORY A ticket ID is required, the push will fail if any new commits have not supplied one.
  2. "serverRole" tells the plugin how it should act on gerrit event triggers defined in the actions file. The value is one of:

    • VALIDATE_AND_POST The server will validate commit messages according to the association level, and also act on event triggers.
    • VALIDATE_ONLY The server will only validate commit messages.
  3. "match" defines the regular expression used to identify a ticket ID in the commit message.

  4. "html" defines the link format that will be substituted in the UI so that user's can click to an ticket directly from a gerrit review.

Note: When using an its-plugin built with the WANdisco modified its-base, we recommend having a single server configured with the VALIDATE_AND_POST server role and all other sites configured to VALIDATE_ONLY to avoid multiple sites posting to the ITS. We provide the configuration entry so that roles can be changed easily in the event that a site goes down.

Now restart Gerrit to complete plugin installation.

Configuring a project

To link a gerrit project to an ITS project, modify the project.config either by checking out refs/meta/config or via the Gerrit Project commands and add a section to enable the plugin, name the its-project and optionally define a branch pattern, e.g:

[plugin "its-jira"]
    enabled = true
    its-project = project_name
    branch = refs/heads/master


WANdisco replication fork of the its-base Gerrit Plugin







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