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Creating Docker Containers Running Kofa

With the given Dockerfile and script we can create a docker container running waeup.kofa 1.7.1.

The following are merely notes to self.

Shortcut (tl;rd):


$ docker build --no-cache --pull -t kofa .

Run (as daemon):

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -d kofa

Get a shell:

$ docker run --rm -i -t kofa /bin/bash

Workdir inside container:


User credentials inside container:


Prepare Your Local Ubuntu

Install `docker`:

$ sudo apt-get install

On Ubuntu "" is the official repo name of docker. This is to distinguish from the same-named GUI app.

Install Basic Images (Ubuntu)

You can pull a recent base image, we yet use Ubuntu, beforehand:

$ docker pull ubuntu:20.04

This will fetch some hundred MBs. If you do not, the base image will be fetched during build process.

You can play a bit with the freshly installed images.

Build Kofa

This official docker image of waeup.kofa is based on Ubuntu 20.04. We have to get the Dockerfile and the script:

$ git clone

This will put everything into a new local kofa-docker dir. Change to it:

$ cd kofa-docker/

Now start the build:

$ docker build -t kofa .

This will take _lots of time, but should run until end. Use --no-cache to build from scratch, even if parts of the image where built successfully already.

Tag Container

Optionally, you might like to tag the built container:

$ docker tag kofa:latest kofa:x.y.z

where x.y.z is a version number. We tag our images like this:


where 22.04 is the Ubuntu version used and 1.7.1 the Kofa version installed.

Run Kofa

When finished, you can run your freshly installed kofa instance like this:

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 kofa

or like this:

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 kofa:20.04-1.7.1

if you prefer a certain version.

After startup you should be able to reach the portal on your local port 8080. Open


in a browser (grok/grok as credentials).

Please note that changes you make will remain in the running single container only. Persistent data can be saved with shared folders/volumes as shown below.

When the container stops, all data will be lost.

Run Kofa (from Shell)

Instead of starting a kofa instance immediately, you can also start a shell and enter the container to do whatever you like there. In that case you run a container with:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -it kofa /bin/bash

(note the trailing /bin/bash) which will drop you into a shell inside the docker container. Change to waeup.kofa/ and start the server manually:

(container) $ ./bin/kofactl fg

After startup you should be able to reach the portal on your local port 8080. Open


If you stop the container shell (type 'exit'), the container will still exist:

$ docker ps --all
CONTAINER ID     IMAGE            COMMAND                CREATED          STATUS                   PORTS            NAMES
b74700439486     kofa:latest      "/bin/sh -c '/bin/ba   59 seconds ago   Exited (0) 23 seconds ago                 hopeful_ptolemy

To remove it, run:

$ docker rm <container-name>

with the <container-name> listed before.

To see locally available images, run:

$ docker images

An image can be removed with:

$ docker rmi <image-id>

where <image-id> is a hex number as listed by the command before.

You can also restart stopped containers and reattach to them:

$ docker start <container-name>
$ docker attach <container-name>

will bring you back into the container.

You can also run arbitrary commands inside a container. The command /bin/bash above is only one example. You could, for instance, run the tests inside the container like this:

$ docker run -it --rm kofa /home/kofa/waeup.kofa/bin/test

Run Kofa - w/o Entering the Container

Of course you can run kofa without entering the container and doing complex things at all:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -d kofa

will give you access to a running kofa instance on your localhost port 8080. The default credentials are grok / grok.

You can make sure everything worked wit `docker ps`:

$ docker ps -l
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE        COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9033a6bd4baf        kofa         "/home/kofa/waeup.ko   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                            loving_franklin

A running docker instance can be stopped with:

$ docker stop loving_franklin

and be restarted with:

$ docker start loving_franklin

and kofa should be accessible at http://localhost:8080/ again.

You can follow logs printed to stdout with:

$ docker logs loving_franklin
/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/bin/paster serve /home/kofa/waeup.kofa/parts/etc/themed-deploy.ini
2016-07-02 09:15:49,013 INFO [] main db: evolving in mode EVOLVEMINIMUM
2016-07-02 09:15:49,018 INFO [] main db/ running install generation

but it makes more sense to create a shared folder where you can store persistent data, including several logs and data files.

To remove a container completely, use docker rm as shown above. Or use the --rm when running a container. This will dispose the container immediately after it was stopped without any further intervention.

Kofa Data Persistence

Data in Kofa is stored in a database called ZODB. This database is a simple file in the var/ folder of the Kofa instance installed.

If you do changes and the database is not persisted, all changes will be lost on restart.

To make your changes last, you must make the var/ folder persistent. You can do so for instance by:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -it --rm -v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var/ kofa

Here we create a volume named kofadata1 that stores the content of the in-container path /home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var/. That is the directory we want to make persistent.

The container will be removed when stopped (because we specified --rm), but the data in the given path will survive inside the named volume.

When we start a new container with the same volume, we get the data from the first container.

Let's do it, this time with the container detatching from the commandline (specified by -d):

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -d --rm -v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var/ kofa

The new container will provide the same data as the first one. Changes will also stay.

The exact path of the named volume can be determined by running:

$ docker inspect <VOLUME_NAME>

In our case that would be

$ docker inspect kofadata1

Building on Other Base Images

By default we support Ubuntu 20.04 as base. Apart from that we provide limited support for other images:

xenial/    # Ubuntu 16.04
bionic/    # Ubuntu 18.04

You can build/tag/run respective images like this:

$ docker build -t kofa:xenial xenial/
$ docker tag kofa:latest kofa:xenial-x.y.z
$ docker run --net=host -t -i kofa:xenial

Other commands for handling non-default images apply as shown above.