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Duc Hoan Nguyen edited this page May 13, 2024 · 44 revisions

Welcome to the haemosphere-introduction wiki!

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Onboarding Page
  3. Intakes' Progress

1. Overview is a publicly available database of blood cell gene expression. The haematopoietic research community is a diverse group which contains researchers with various levels of experience in analysing expression data, so we have created this resource to allow easy and fast access to the data for all researchers, and to provide access to the raw data for those who wish to follow up with their own analyses. The main function is that it helps researchers understand which genes are turned on in different blood cell types, by allowing to them to search for their favourite genes, view plots comparing cell types and download data and plots of interest.

We would like to improve the use of this site for the research community by improving the user experience and making sure that it is robust and easy to maintain so that it will be available for the community long term.

The current production haemosphere project is using Python 2, and is running on the Melbourne Research Cloud. We want to migrate the current project into using Python 3.

3. Intakes' Progress

Intake Presentations Key Takeaways Documentations Potential Improvements
2024 SM1 Video
1. Modify the code to support the system in Python 3
2. Develop test cases and conduct regression testing​
3. Develop shell scripts for easier system installation on new servers
4. Transfer all the program source code to Github and ensure the migration is safe and secure
Technical Notes 1. Concurrent Issue: multi-user problem​
2. Data Loading Problem: py3 speed – loading time​; Introducing Pickle instead of h5​
3. Data-public user.sqlite credentials: delete / encryption for data users​
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