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Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5


Curso Udemy: Microservices Architecture and Implementation on .NET 5

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Mehmet Özkaya - Software Architect

Dados da página do curso:

Creator of github aspnetrun repositories

  • 15+ years hands on experience in Microsoft .NET Development. Experience in Web Application Development using C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET/MVC/ASP.NET Core, JavaScript, Angular, TypeScript
  • Strong experience Design and implement RESTful APIs JSON design, SOAP Web Services using WCF and ASP.NET Core Web API
  • Excellent knowledge on Object-Oriented Design and Development, SOLID principles, DDD, Design Patterns, SOA, TDD and Unit Testing.
  • Strong experience using Web Front End Technologies such as DOM, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, TypeScript
  • Experience using ORM tools such as Entity Framework Core, NHibernate, Dapper.
  • Strong experience of Distributed Software Architecture and Messaging Technologies in Microservices Architecture, API Gateways (Orleans), BDD, DDD/CQRS patterns, Distributed Message Broker Service Bus Applications(MQTT, AMQT, MassTransit, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus), Event Sourcing, Cloud Computing Architectures, IAAS platforms (AWS, Azure), Application Containerization, Docker.
  • Using Distributed Caching and Related Open Source Tools such as Redis, Camunda, Castle Windsor, AutoMapper, Log4Net.

GitHub : mehmetozkaya
GitHub : aspnetrun


Certificado de Conclusão Udemy

Certificado Udemy

Progresso do curso

16 seções • 177 aulas • Duração total: 24h 31m

  • Introduction 06:34
  • Prerequisites and Source Code 03:09
  • Run Final Application 13:48
  • What are Microservices ? 01:38
  • Monolithic Architecture Pros-Cons 03:01
  • Microservices Architecture Pros-Cons 04:36
  • Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Comparison 02:52
  • What is Containers and Docker ? 01:15
  • Docker Containers, Images, and Registries 01:54
  • Introduction 01:29
  • Create New Github Repository For Our Microservice Project 01:48
  • Clone Github Repository and Create New Solution with Visual Studio 04:54
  • Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Catalog.API Microservice 05:34
  • MongoDb in Catalog Microservices 01:56
  • Setup Mongo Docker Database for Catalog.API Microservices 08:00
  • MongoDb CLI Commands using Interactive Terminal For MongoDb Connection 06:48
  • Analysis and Architecting of Catalog Microservices 06:32
  • Repository Design Pattern 02:55
  • Developing Catalog.API Microservices Creating Entities and MongoDB.Driver Nuget 07:37
  • Developing Data Layer - Connect Mongo Docker Container from Catalog.API 16:06
  • Developing Business Layer - Repository Pattern on Catalog.API Microservice 13:10
  • Developing Presentation Layer - Create CatalogController Class for Catalog.API 22:29
  • Test and Run Catalog Microservice 07:22
  • Containerize Catalog Microservices with MongoDB using Docker Compose 10:26
  • Adding MongoDb image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Environment 11:26
  • Test on Docker environment - Catalog.API and MongoDb into Docker-Compose File 07:30
  • Debugging Docker-Compose on Visual Studio for Catalog.API with MongoDb 16:10
  • Mongo GUI Options for MongoDb Docker Image 04:41
  • Introduction 01:31
  • Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Catalog.API Microservice 05:31
  • Redis in Basket Microservices 02:06
  • Setup Redis Cache Docker Database for Basket.API Microservices 05:18
  • Redis CLI Commands using Interactive Terminal For Redis Connection 03:36
  • Analysis and Architecting of Basket Microservices 07:20
  • Developing Basket.API Microservices Creating Entities 06:08
  • Connect Redis Docker Container from Basket.API Microservice w/ AddStackExchange 07:30
  • Developing Repository Pattern on Basket.API Microservice 12:56
  • Create BasketController Class for Basket.API Microservice 12:22
  • Test and Run Basket Microservice 07:17
  • Containerize Basket Microservices with Redis using Docker Compose 10:28
  • Adding Redis image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env 05:46
  • Test on Docker environment - Catalog.API and MongoDb into Docker-Compose File 07:18
  • Container management with Portainer 12:20
  • Introduction 01:46
  • Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Discount.API Microservice 05:24
  • PostgreSQL in Discount Microservices 01:53
  • Setup PostgreSQL Docker Database for Discount.API Microservices 05:20
  • Setup pgAdmin Management Portal for PostgreSQL Database for Discount.API Microse 13:07
  • Create Coupon Table in the DiscountDb of PostgreSQL Database with pgAdmin Manage 06:36
  • Analysis and Architecting of Discount Microservices 05:42
  • Developing Discount.API Microservices Creating Entities 01:42
  • Developing Repository Pattern Connect PostgreSQL use Dapper on Discount.API 19:03
  • Create DiscountController Class for Discount.API Microservice 08:15
  • Test and Run Discount Microservice 09:21
  • Containerize Discount Microservices with PostgreSQL using Docker Compose 05:50
  • Adding PostgreSQL image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env 02:37
  • Migrate PostreSQL Database When Discount Microservices Startup 22:30
  • Test on Docker environment - Discount.API and PostgreSQL into Docker-Compose 09:50
  • Introduction 01:52
  • gRPC usage of Microservices Communication 02:28
  • Using gRPC in Microservices Communication with .Net - Example Repository 01:49
  • Create Discount Grpc Microservices Project in Microservices Solution 13:56
  • Managing PostreSQL Database Operations in Discount Grpc 08:59
  • Developing discount.proto ProtoBuf file for Exposing Crud Services Discount Grpc 09:57
  • Generate Proto Service Class from Discount proto File in Discount Grpc 05:01
  • Developing DiscountService class to Implement Grpc Proto Service Methods 09:47
  • Implementing AutoMapper into DiscountService Class of Discount Grpc Microservice 05:20
  • Developing CRUD in DiscountService class to Implement CRUD Grpc Proto Service 05:35
  • Introduction 01:45
  • Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Basket Microservice When Adding Cart Item 1 08:49
  • Consuming Discount Grpc Service From Basket Microservice When Adding Cart Item 2 11:57
  • Register Discount Grpc Client and Discount Grpc Service into the Basket.API 07:54
  • Test and Run Discount Grpc and Basket Microservice 09:05
  • Containerize Discount Grpc Microservices with PostgreSQL using Docker Compose 06:27
  • Adding Grpc DiscountUrl Configuration in Basket.API image configuration on DC 04:24
  • Test on Docker environment - Basket.API integrate Discount.Grpc into DC 20:46
  • Introduction 01:57
  • Analysis and Architecting of Ordering Microservices 06:35
  • Design Principles - SOLID 03:08
  • Design Principles - Dependency Inversion Principles (DIP) 02:40
  • Design Principles - Separation of Concerns (SoC) 01:52
  • Domain Driven Design - DDD 04:30
  • Clean Architecture with Domain Driven Design(DDD) 09:44
  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) Design Pattern 02:19
  • Eventual Consisteny and Event Sourcing with CQRS Design Pattern 05:45
  • Code Structure on CQRS and DDD Implementation in Ordering Microservices 06:07
  • Create Asp.Net Web Api Project for Ordering.API Microservice 04:21
  • Create Clean Architecture Layers that Ordering Domain - Application and Infra 04:21
  • Adding Project References Between Clean Architecture Layers 04:30
  • Developing Ordering.Domain Layer in Clean Architecture 06:20
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer with CQRS Pattern Implementation in Clean 03:40
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Contracts 15:52
  • CQRS Implementation with Mediator Design Pattern 03:15
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Features - GetOrdersListQuery 19:00
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Command Features - Checkout 25:01
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Command Features- UpdateOrder 14:52
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer- Application Command Features- DeleteOrder 13:42
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Behaviours 17:33
  • Developing Ordering.Application Layer - Application Service Registrations 14:44
  • Developing Ordering.API Presentation Layer in Clean Architecture 17:24
  • Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer in Clean Architecture - Persistence 12:43
  • Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer in Clean Architecture - Repositories 22:50
  • Developing Ordering.Infrastructure Layer - Infrastructure Service Registrations 10:48
  • Register Application and Infrastructure Layer Dependencies into Ordering.API 07:42
  • Adding EF Core Migrations for Code-First Approach in Ordering Microservices 06:21
  • Applying EF.Core Migrations to Sql Server Automatically When Ordering.API 18:36
  • Adding SqlServer image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env 09:07
  • Test and Run Ordering Microservice 07:22
  • Test Ordering Microservices CQRS and Clean Architecture Flows 19:36
  • Containerize Ordering Microservices with SqlServer using Docker Compose 10:49
  • Test on Docker environment - Ordering.API and SqlServer into Docker-Compose File 13:01
  • Introduction 03:59
  • Microservices Communication Types Request-Driven or Event-Driven Architecture 03:31
  • What is RabbitMQ, Main Components of RabbitMQ 03:49
  • RabbitMQ Exchange Types 04:18
  • Adding RabbitMQ image into Docker-Compose File for Multi-Container Docker Env 09:20
  • Analysis & Design BuildingBlocks EventBus.Messages Class Library Project 04:20
  • Developing BuildingBlocks EventBus.Messages Class Library 10:56
  • Produce RabbitMQ Event From Basket Microservice Publisher of BasketCheckoutEvent 17:41
  • Publish BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Basket.API Controller Class 20:58
  • Publish BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Basket.API Controller Class Part 2 07:42
  • Test BasketCheckout Event in Basket.API Microservices 11:51
  • Consume RabbitMQ Event From Ordering Microservice Subscriber of BasketCheckout 21:48
  • Subscribe BasketCheckout Queue Message Event in Ordering BasketCheckoutConsumer 18:09
  • Test BasketCheckout Event in Basket.API and Ordering.API Microservices 17:17
  • Test MassTransit Retry Mecanism of RabbitMQ Connection Problems 07:57
  • Containerize Basket and Ordering Microservices w/ RabbitMQ using Docker Compose 18:16
  • Test on Docker environment - Basket and Ordering with RabbitMQ in Docker-Compose 13:04
  • Introduction 01:39
  • Gateway Routing pattern 01:26
  • API Gateway Pattern 02:34
  • BFF Backend for Frontend Pattern 02:32
  • Main features in the API Gateway pattern 02:01
  • Ocelot API Gateway 02:32
  • Authentication and authorization in Ocelot API Gateway 02:13
  • Analysis & Design of API Gateway Microservices 02:26
  • Developing Ocelot Api Gateway Microservices with Adapting Ocelot Nuget Package 12:01
  • Adding ocelot.json Configuration File For Routing Microservices in Ocelot Api Gw 33:00
  • Test Ocelot Api Gateway With Routing Internal Microservices 15:40
  • Rate Limiting in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json File 09:54
  • Response Caching in Ocelot Api Gateway with Configuring Ocelot.json File 06:35
  • Configure Ocelot Json For Docker Development Environment in Ocelot Api Gateway 10:58
  • Containerize Ocelot Api Gateway Microservices using Docker Compose 06:02
  • Test on Docker environment - Ocelot API Gateway into Docker-Compose File 12:51
  • Introduction 01:51
  • Gateway Aggregation pattern 03:18
  • Analysis & Design of Shopping.Aggregator Microservices - Gateway Aggregation 03:22
  • Developing Shopping.Aggregator Microservices 05:01
  • Developing Dto Model Class for Api Aggreation Operations 11:13
  • Developing Service Classes for Consuming Internal Microservices in Shopping.Aggr 21:31
  • Developing Service Classes Consuming Internal Microservices in Shopping.Aggr-2 30:02
  • Test Shopping.Aggreation Microservices with Docker Internal Microservices 15:28
  • Containerize Shopping.Aggregator Microservices using Docker Compose 07:14
  • Test on Docker environment - Shopping.Aggregator into Docker-Compose File 06:29

Securing Microservices with IdentityServer4 and Ocelot

  • Introduction 01:50
  • Background of Project 02:20
  • Analysis & Design Shopping Web Application Microservice 03:07
  • Developing AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 08:28
  • Overview of AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 12:54
  • Refactoring of AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 11:11
  • Register Http Client Factory for Consuming Api Gateway in AspnetBasics Shopping 06:41
  • Developing Service Implementations for Consuming Api Gateway in AspnetBasics 10:31
  • Developing Index Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 06:20
  • Developing Product Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 07:03
  • Developing Product Detail Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 02:36
  • Developing Cart and Order Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application 08:36
  • Developing CheckOut Page in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 07:16
  • Refactoring Developments in AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices 04:37
  • Test AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices Over Ocelot Api Gateway 16:53
  • Containerize AspnetBasics Shopping Web Application Microservices using DC 06:39
  • Test on Docker environment - AspnetBasics Shopping Web Microservices into Docker 09:02

Assignment - Developing Blazor Single Page Application with Custom Api Gateway

  • Developing Blazor Single Page Application with Custom Api Gateway for CRUD 02:06

Cross-Cutting Concerns - Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging

  • Microservices Observability with Distributed Logging, Health Monitoring, Resilie 02:17 (Curso Separado)

Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes, Automating with Azure DevOps into AKS

  • Deploying Microservices to Kubernetes, Automating with Azure DevOps into AKS 02:15 (Curso Separado)

Thanks and Bonus Lecture

  • Bonus Lecture 05:41
  • Thanks 00:37


Repositório para acompanhar o desenvolvimento do curso de microserviços da udemy








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