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TRAIN output_options

Sidney Batchelder edited this page Jun 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

Output Options

As a result of training, several review files are created in addition to the trained model file. The following options allow a user change the default output settings pf model training.

Many of the options below allow for formatting tags, whereby certain keywords in curly braces get replaced by their corresponding variable value. A common one for example is {TRAINING_ID}, where the training id specified by the 3rd neuston_net TRAIN positional argument ( TRAIN SRC MODEL TRAINING_ID) replaces the variable name and curly braces at runtime.

Output Options:
  --outdir OUTDIR       Default is "training-output/{TRAINING_ID}"
  --model-id ID         Set a specific model id. Patterns {TRAIN_DATE} and {TRAIN_ID} are recognized. Default is "{TRAIN_ID}"
  --epochs-log ELOG     Specify a csv filename. Includes epoch, loss, validation loss, and f1 scores.
                        Default is "epochs.csv".
  --args-log ALOG       Specify a human-readable yml output filename containing all user-specified 
                        and default training parameters. Default is "args.yml".
  --onnx                Additionally output an onnx version of the model.
  --results FNAME [SERIES ...]
                        FNAME: Specify a validation-results filename or pattern. 
                               Valid patterns are: "{epoch}". Accepts .json .h5 and .mat file formats.
                        SERIES: Data to include in FNAME file. 
                                The following are always included and need not be specified: 
                                    model_id, timestamp, class_labels, input_classes, output_classes.
                                Options are: image_basenames image_fullpaths
                                             output_scores output_winscores 
                        --results may be specified multiple times in order to create different files. 
                        If not invoked, the default options are:
                            FNAME = results.mat
                            SERIES = image_basenames output_scores counts_perclass 
                                     confusion_matrix f1_perclass f1_weighted f1_macro

Output Directory (--outdir)

OUTDIR specifies the output directory for all media produced by a neuston_net TRAIN. It defaults to "training-output/{TRAINING_ID}". If the directory path is not an absolute path, the directory path is considered to be relative to the current working directory was invoked from. If the directory specified doesn't exist, it will be created.

Available formatting tags are:

  • {TRAIN_DATE} - the date training was initiated in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
  • {TRAINING_ID} - the training id specified by the 3rd neuston_net TRAIN positional argument ( TRAIN SRC MODEL TRAINING_ID)

Model ID (--model-id)

The filename as well as the internally stored name of the output model. Model ID can further be used as a formatting tag during neuston_net RUN. By default this is "{TRAIN_DATE}__{TRAINING_ID}". This will result in a model file with a filename such as 2021-12-21__SomeParticularTrainingName.ptl

Available formatting tags are:

  • {TRAIN_DATE} - the date training was initiated in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
  • {TRAINING_ID} - the training id specified by the 3rd neuston_net TRAIN positional argument ( TRAIN SRC MODEL TRAINING_ID)

ONNX (--onnx)

By including this flag, an .onnx version of the model will be created alongside the .ptl model. ONNX is a widely-supported open-source format for AI/ML model inferencing.

Logs (--args-log and --epochs-log)

  • args.yml - The Args log is a yaml file that captures the input parameters of a training run. The filename can be changed using the --args-log flag.
  • epochs.csv - The Epochs log is a csv file that captures the performance (loss for training and validation datasets) of a model across its training epochs. The filename can be changed using the --epochs-log flag.

Results File (--results)

Besides the model and the log files, one (or more) results file is produced by neuston_net TRAIN. A results file features the classification output of the model's best-epoch against the Validation dataset, as well as many other possible summary statistics. The output flag follows the following pattern:

--results FNAME [SERIES ...]

Where FNAME is result file's filename, and SERIES is a list of possible values and statistics to include.

FNAME Output Format

FNAME recognizes .mat, .h5 and .json as viable output formats (matlab, hdf5, and json respectively). Additionally, {epoch} is recognized as a valid formatting tag; this allows for the results of multiple epochs to later be compared.

Automatic SERIES

These Series are always included in a results file

  • model_id - the MODEL-ID of the trained model
  • timestamp - the timestamp the model training was initiated
  • class_labels - the list of m class labels. The order of this list is consistent with all further per-class list orderings
  • input_classes - the list of n true input classes, as integer indices corresponding to its respective class_labels label
  • output_classes - the list of n predicted output classes, also as integer indices

Optional SERIES that may be specified

These Series must be specified in order to be included in a results file when --results is manually invoked.

  • image_basenames - list of n image filenames as determined by SRC and runtime dataset configurations
  • image_fullpaths - as above, except the images' fullpaths are used
  • output_scores - An n-by-m matrix of scores, where n is number of inputs/images, and m is the number of classes. Values for a given image are softmaxed such that their sum equals 1; higher values indicate a higher classification confidence score from the model.
  • output_winscores - A list of the highest classification confidence score for each image.
  • confusion_matrix - An m-by-m matrix comparing image true labels vs. predicted labels.
  • classes_by_{count|f1|recall|precision} ... - list of classes as ordered by count, f1 score, recall score, or precision score.
    • classes_by_count
    • classes_by_f1
    • classes_by_recall
    • classes_by_precision
  • {f1|recall|precision}_{macro|weighted|perclass} - f1, recall, or precision score by macro averaging, weighted averaging, or perclass ("samples" averaging mode in sklearn). See sklearn.metrics.f1_score for more details.
    • f1_macro
    • f1_weighted
    • f1_perclass
    • recall_macro
    • recall_weighted
    • recall_perclass
    • precision_macro
    • precision_weighted
    • precision_perclass
  • {counts|val_counts|train_counts}_perclass - list of counts (total, or for the training or validation dataset) on a per-class basis.
    • counts_perclass
    • val_counts_perclass
    • train_counts_perclass

Creating multiple result files

It is possible to invoke the --results flag multiple times, each time allowing the user to specify a new results FNAME and set of SERIES. This may be used to output multiple different file formats at the same time, and-or to specify a different set of series for different files.


The flags --results short_results.json --results full_results.h5 image_fullpaths output_scores would result in two files being generated.

  • short_results.json - only contains model_id, timestamp, class_labels, input_classes, output_classes (the always-included series)
  • full_results.h5 - would additionally contain the large n-by-m matrix of scores and the n-length list of image fullpaths.

Default behavior

If --results is not specified at runtime, by default neuston_net TRAIN acts as though it were specified as --results results.mat image_basenames output_scores counts_perclass confusion_matrix f1_perclass f1_weighted f1_macro.

Other Files

These files do no have manual/flaggable options.

  • training_images.list - list of training images
  • validation_images.list - list of validation images
  • chkpts/ - a directory of best-epoch checkpoints. The checkpoint files are interoperable with the final .ptl file.
  • logs/default/version_0 - contains runtime versions of args.yml and epochs.csv (named hparams.yaml and metrics.csv respectively here). Upon completion of a Training, these two files are copied and renamed into the main OUTDIR directory. If a training with the same OUTDIR directory is started, the "version" number is incremented and a new version directory is created. Other files in the OUTDIR directory will be overwritten.