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enhanced logging library


npm install @winkgroup/console-log


import ConsoleLog from '@winkgroup/console-log'

consoleLog = new ConsoleLog()
consoleLog.print('hello world!')

you can set prefix and id properties that will become part of header of each log:

import ConsoleLog from '@winkgroup/console-log'

consoleLog = new ConsoleLog({prefix: 'CoolLog', id: '1'})
consoleLog.print('hello world!')

// will print: CoolLog (1): hello world!


ConsoleLog(GeneralOptions, SpecificOptions)

GeneralOptions and SpecificOptions are two optional objects.


  • ConsoleLog.print(message, [logLevel]): message is a string; logLevel is a value from LogLevel
  • ConsoleLog.debug(message): shortcut of print method with DEBUG LogLevel
  • ConsoleLog.warn(message): shortcut of print method with WARN LogLevel
  • ConsoleLog.error(message): shortcut of print method with ERROR LogLevel
  • ConsoleLog.spawn(GeneralOptions): it generates a new ConsoleLog object that inherits same options of original with some updates according with parameters passed


all the attributes of this object are optional:

  • an id that will be shown for each log
  • GeneralOptions.prefix: a prefix that will be shown for each log
  • GeneralOptions.timestampFormat: a timestamp with these possible values: 'full', 'time', 'milliseconds', 'none' (default)
  • GeneralOptions.verbosity: every log that is below this LogLevel will have no action


all the attributes of this object are optional, all those not declared will be inherited by GeneralOptions:

  • an id that will be shown for each log
  • SpecificOptions.prefix: a prefix that will be shown for each log
  • SpecificOptions.timestampFormat: a timestamp with these possible values: 'full', 'time', 'milliseconds', 'none' (default)
  • SpecificOptions.levels: LogLevel to those this option has to be applied, single level can be expressed. If this attribute is not set, then these options will be applied to any LogLevel
  • SpecificOptions.action: object containing one of these actions: 'console' | 'file' | 'error' | 'none'


ConsoleLog comes with five verbosity levels:

  • DEBUG = 4
  • INFO = 3
  • WARN = 2
  • ERROR = 1
  • NONE = 0


chalk v5 does't work properly in commonjs. To upgrade to minor version with ncu the command is

ncu -u -t minor
