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Deploy your own herokuapp instance

Nikhil VJ edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 1 revision
  • Go on, create your (free) account and follow instructions to be able to do command-line heroku things on your system

  • Open the command prompt where your folder is, and run these:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "preparing for launch"
heroku create

You'll probably be asked to enter your username and password if doing this the first time, and you may have to run some other command for it.
Heroku will create a randomly generated subdomain for your repo.

  • Now run:
    git push heroku master

  • That will deploy your instance as an independent heroku app.

  • Check out the wiki page on Changing the password to set your own password, which the program takes for any operation that involves making changes to DB.