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Sample application demonstrating a problem we encountered when mixing an ArcGIS API for JS map with the AJAX Control Toolkit.


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Sample: Issue with ArcGIS JavaScript API Map and Ajax Control Toolkit


When placing an ArcGIS API for JavaScript map inside of an AJAX Control Toolkit TabPanel, graphics drawn on the map are offset from where they should be.

Offset screenshot


Although the best solution to this issue would be to rewrite the UI portion so that it no longer uses the AJAX Control Toolkit, if that is not an option you can avoid these issues by placing the map into an iframe element.

How to use extentSelector widget in an iframe

  1. Copy these files from this project into your own project:
    • Scripts/wsdot/extentSelector.js
    • extentSelector.html
  2. In the TabPanel that will contain the extent selector map, add an event handler in the TabPanel's OnClientClick attribute. This is demonstrated in the file Default.aspx.

<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel ID="ExtentSelectorTabPanel" HeaderText="ExtentSelector" runat="server" OnClientClick="mapStuff.onExtentSelectorTabClick">


</ajaxToolkit:TabPanel> 3. Add the function specified in the previous step. A sample of this can be found in `Scripts\Default.js`. This function needs to create an `iframe` element with the `src` attribute set to `extentSelector.html`.javascript

/** Creates the map iframe if it does not already exist.
@param {Sys.Extended.UI.TabPanel} tabPanel The tab panel that was just activated.
@param {HTMLDivElement} tabPanel._element This is the div element of the tab panel.
@param {EventArgs} e
function onExtentSelectorTabClick(tabPanel, e) {
	var handleExtentChange;
	if (!extentSelectorFrame) {
		extentSelectorFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
		extentSelectorFrame.src = "extentSelector.html"; = "extentSelector";

		// Setup the event handler for the extent change.
		handleExtentChange = function (event) {
			var geom;
			// Get the state plane geometry.
			if (event && !== undefined) {
				if ( !== null) {
					geom =;

			// TODO: Do something with the geometry.

		// Setup event listeners for messages from child iframe window.
		// Modern browsers use addEventListener, but not all browsers do.
		if (window.addEventListener) {
			window.addEventListener("message", handleExtentChange, false);
		} else if (window.attachEvent) {
			window.attachEvent("onmessage", handleExtentChange);
		} else if (window.onmessage) {
			window.onmessage = handleExtentChange;
  1. Add a CSS rule for the iframe to specify its size.
    /* Specify the size of the iframe here */
    iframe[src='extentSelector.html'] {
    	width: 100%;
    	height: 600px; /* Height must be an explicit value. */

Remaining Issues

See the issues list on GitHub.


  • The map iframe's size will be 400 px x 400 px if certain conditions are not met.

    • The iframe cannot be given an id attribute.
    • The iframe must be created after the containing tab panel has been activated (i.e., in the tab panel's OnClientClick event handler).
  • The best way to handle events from the iframe window in the parent window is to use window.postMessage. This seems to be the only way that will work with Internet Explorer 8.


Sample application demonstrating a problem we encountered when mixing an ArcGIS API for JS map with the AJAX Control Toolkit.







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