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YanChao edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

PolarViz is a radial distortion strategy based on the RadViz plot for visualizing high-dimensional data. It is based on the d3.js library only. For the detail about PolarViz, please refer to the related research papers [1][2].


Overview of the PolarViz UI The PolarViz consists of three parts: data table, radviz, and histogram as illustrated in the overview. The data table displays the high dimensional dataset. The RadViz plot visualizes the high- dimensional dataset in the two-dimensional space. The histogram displays the radial distribution according to the RadViz plot. To achieve the radial distortion strategy, the user takes operations in the histogram plot, and then the RadViz plot is changed accordingly.

Basic Interactions

Data Table --> RadViz

  • When hovering the mouse over each row in the data table, the corresponding data point in the RadViz is highlighted.


  • When hovering the mouse over each data point in the RadViz, a tooltip is popped out to show the data information.
  • When hovering the mouse over each dimensional anchor (e.g. sepalL), a tooltip is popped out to show the current orientation.
  • When hovering the mouse over each legend, data points belong to this cluster is displayed while others are discolored.
  • When dragging each dimensional anchor (e.g. sepalL) along the circle, all the data points are transformed accordingly.

Reset RadViz

  • After pressing the Reset button, all the dimensional anchors will be arranged evenly.

RadViz --> Histogram

  • When dragging each dimensional anchor (e.g. sepalL) along the circle, all the data points are transformed accordingly and the radial distribution in the histogram is changed accordingly.

Histogram --> RadViz

  • When brushing on the histogram, the related data points in the RadViz are highlighted while others are discolored.


  • The default bin number of the histogram plot is 50. The user can set different values based on their own cases.

Reset PolarViz

  • After pressing the Reset button, the original histogram before PolarViz will be generated. The PolarViz operations will be described as follow.


The PolarViz operation is achieved based on the brush in the histogram. There are severn operations and all of them are controlled by keyboard. When the user generates a brush in the histogram, then he/she can use the keyboard to distort the RadViz plot. PolarViz Operations

Radial Equalization and Radial Local Equalization

  • When pressing 'e' or 'E', the bars in the brush region will be equalized. If the brush covers the whole histogram, then it is radial equalization. Otherwise, it is a radial local equalization.

Radial Movement

  • When pressing 'q' or 'Q', the bars in the brush region will be moved to the left direction until touch other bars.
  • When pressing 'w' or 'W', the bars in the brush region will be moved to the right direction until touch other bars.

Radial Specification

  • When pressing 'a' or 'A', the bars in the left side of the brush region will be compressed, the bars in the brush region will be stretched, and the bars in the right side of the brush region will not be changed.
  • When pressing 's' or 'S', the bars in the left side of the brush region will be stretched, the bars in the brush region will be compressed, and the bars in the right side of the brush region will not be changed.
  • When pressing 'z' or 'Z', the bars in the left side of the brush region will not be changed, the bars in the brush region will be compressed, and the bars in the right side of the brush region will be stretched.
  • When pressing 's' or 'S', the bars in the left side of the brush region will not be changed, the bars in the brush region will be stretched, and the bars in the right side of the brush region will compressed.