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Source code for numerical experiments in the paper "hp-Multigrid preconditioner for a divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the incompressible flow problems".

Paper link: ResearchGate.

A proceeding work of our previous study on optimal geometric multigrid for HDG-P0 for the reaction-diffusion and the generalized Stokes equations.

Augmented Lagrangian (AL) Uzawa iteration method is used to solve the condensed H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations.

We firsly proved the equivalence between the condensed lowest-order H(div)-HDG scheme and a Crouzeix-Raviart element discretzation with a pressure-robust treatment for the generalized Stokes equations. Then we naturally proposed a geometric h-MG method robust to the mesh size h and AL parameter lambda of the lowest-order scheme for the generalized Stokes equations, basded on the Ph.D. thesis of J. Schöberl (1999). Then the geometric h-MG of the lowest-order scheme is used as the auxiliary space solver in a multiplicative auxiliary space preconditioner of the condensed higher-order H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes equations, with insensitivity with respect to polynomial order increase as demonstrated in our numerical experiments.

The developed hp-MG method for the generalized Stokes equatsions is then tested on the condensed H(div)-HDG scheme for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations with Picard/Newton method, and the iteration counts of the preconditioned GMRes solver grows mildly with the rise in Reynolds number up to 10^3.

Some hackers to NGSolve source files to accelerate block relaxation/smoothing methods:

  1. Added Python interface to the public method of class "FESpace", to get edge/vertex-patched blocks of global/local DOFs of FESpaces in Python to accelerate constructing block GS smoothers.
/// /comp/python_comp.cpp, line 811
    [] (shared_ptr<FESpace> self, bool vertex, bool globalDofs)
    Flags flags;
    flags.SetFlag("eliminate_internal", globalDofs);
    if (vertex)
        flags.SetFlag("blocktype", "vertexpatch");
        flags.SetFlag("blocktype", "edgepatch");

    std::shared_ptr<Table<int>> tablePtr = self -> CreateSmoothingBlocks(flags);
    Table<int> table = move(*(tablePtr.get()));
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> vec;
    for(auto subArr : table)
        if(subArr.Size() == 0)
        std::vector<int> tmpv;
        for(auto i : subArr.Range())
    return vec;
    py::arg("vertex"), py::arg("globalDofs"),
    "Create vertex/edge-patched blocks of global/local DOFs")
  1. Added to class "FESpace" a public method "CreateFacetBlocks" and its Python interface, to get facet blocks of global/local DOFs of FESpaces in Python to accelerate mass matrix inverse in 3D cases.
/// /comp/python_comp.cpp, line 839
    [] (shared_ptr<FESpace> self, bool globalDofs)

    std::shared_ptr<Table<int>> tablePtr = self -> CreateFacetBlocks(globalDofs);
    Table<int> table = move(*(tablePtr.get()));
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> vec;
    for(auto subArr : table)
        if(subArr.Size() == 0)
        std::vector<int> tmpv;
        for(auto i : subArr.Range())
    return vec;
    "Create facet blocks of global/local DOFs")
/// /comp/fespace.hpp, line 581
shared_ptr<Table<int>> CreateFacetBlocks (const bool globalDofs=true) const;
/// /comp/fespace.cpp line 1584
shared_ptr<Table<int>> FESpace :: CreateFacetBlocks (const bool globalDofs) const
    auto freedofs = GetFreeDofs(globalDofs);
    FilteredTableCreator creator(freedofs.get());
    Array<DofId> dofs;
    for ( ; !creator.Done(); creator++)
        for (size_t i : Range(ma->GetNFaces()))        
            // Ng_Node<2> face = ma->GetNode<2> (i);
            GetDofNrs (NodeId(NT_FACE, i), dofs);
            for (auto d : dofs)
              if (IsRegularDof(d))
                  creator.Add (i, d);
    Table<int> table = creator.MoveTable();
    if (print)
      *testout << "facet blocks = " << endl << table << endl;
    return make_shared<Table<int>> (move(table));
  1. Overload the virtual public methods "GetEdgeDofNrs" and "GetFaceDofNrs" of the child class "NonconformingFESpace" from the base class "FESpace", to get usable smoothing bloks of Crouzeix-Raviart spaces.
/// /comp/fespace.hpp, line 1070
virtual void GetEdgeDofNrs (int ednr, Array<DofId> & dnums) const override;
virtual void GetFaceDofNrs (int fanr, Array<DofId> & dnums) const override;
/// /comp/fespace.cpp, line 2735
void NonconformingFESpace :: GetEdgeDofNrs (int ednr, Array<DofId> & dnums) const
    // for 2D only
    if (ma->GetDimension()==2)
        auto freedofs = GetFreeDofs(false);
        if (freedofs -> Test(ednr))
            dnums[0] = ednr;
void NonconformingFESpace :: GetFaceDofNrs (int fanr, Array<DofId> & dnums) const
    // for 3D only
    if (ma->GetDimension()==3)
        auto freedofs = GetFreeDofs(false);
        if (freedofs -> Test(fanr))
            dnums[0] = fanr;


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