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WaAPI PHP Package

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PHP package to easily interact with



composer require waapi/waapi-php-sdk


Initial Setup

use WaAPI\WaAPISdk\WaAPISdk;

$apiToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$sdk = new WaAPISdk($apiToken);

Check if WhatsApp API is available

$isAvailable = $sdk->isApiAvailable();

Create a new instance

$instance = $sdk->createInstance();
$instanceId = $instance->id;

Get an existing instance

$instanceId = 10; //you need to know your instance id at this point
$instance = $sdk->getInstance($instanceId);

Update an existing instance

$instanceId = 10; //you need to know your instance id at this point

//if a subscribed event occurs, this url will be requested with the event data
//can also be null if you do not want to receive webhooks
$webhookUrl = '';
$subscribedEvents = ['', '']; //can also be null or an empty array

$sdk->updateInstance($instanceId, $webhookUrl, $subscribedEvents);

//if you have an instance object, you can also use the following method
$instance = $sdk->getInstance($instanceId);
$instance->update($webhookUrl, $subscribedEvents);

Delete an existing instance

$instanceId = 10; //you need to know your instance id at this point

//if you have an instance object, you can also use the following method to delete this instance
$instance = $sdk->getInstance($instanceId);

Get the QR-Code

After creating a new instance, you need to connect your WhatsApp phone number with this instance. With the following code, you are able to receive the current QR-Code.

$instanceId = 10; //you need to know your instance id at this point
$response = $sdk->getInstanceClientQrCode($instanceId);

//if you have an instance object, you can also use the following method to delete this instance
$instance = $sdk->getInstance($instanceId);
$response = $instance->clientQrCode();

// The QR code as a base64 image string (data:image/png;base64,…).
// Set this string in the src attribute of a <img src=““> html tag.
$qrCode = $response->qrCode;

Get the instance status

An instance always has a status.

Status Description
booting The node is starting the instance. The status will change to loading_screen soon.
loading_screen The instance is starting WhatsApp Web. The status will change to qr or ready soon.
qr The instance needs to be connected with a WhatsApp phone number. You can fetch the QR code now.
authenticated The connection via the QR code was successful. The status will change to ready soon.
auth_failure The connection via the QR code failed or WhatsApp Web is down.
ready The instance is ready to use. You are able to execute actions and send messages.
disconnected Disconnected from WhatsApp Web
$instanceId = 10; //you need to know your instance id at this point
$response = $sdk->getInstanceClientStatus($instanceId);

//if you have an instance object, you can also use the following method to delete this instance
$instance = $sdk->getInstance($instanceId);
$response = $instance->clientStatus();

$instanceStatus = $response->instanceStatus;

Get information about an existing instance

$instanceId = 10; //you need to know your instance id at this point
$response = $sdk->getInstanceClientInfo($instanceId);

//if you have an instance object, you can also use the following method to delete this instance
$instance = $sdk->getInstance($instanceId);
$response = $instance->clientInfo();

//your public name of your WhatsApp profile (your name)
$displayName = $response->displayName;

//the connected WhatsApp phone number (your phone number)
$phoneNumber = $response->formattedNumber;

//profile image url of the connected WhatsApp phone number (your profile picture)
$profileUrl = $response->profilePicUrl;

//a unique identifier for your WhatsApp account / profile / phone number
$whatsAppId = $response->contactId;


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.