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OurPlaces Application

Share the places that you like or you've visited, to make a collection of our nice places.

It's a MERN application built using: React a framework to build component-based web applications with Hooks to manage rendering the components and the state within and between them. In addition to Node.js and Express as a backend server to manage the connections between the database MongoDB (noSQL database) and the client React. Authentication that uses Json Web Token. Also you can upload photos with the help of multer.

TypeScript is mostly used here along with React.

Splitting the code is a very useful lesson of making this app.

the application is deployed on more servers that offer free services to host SPA's and backend servers.


Backend link to Heroku:

Frontend link to Firebase:

Combined deployment of both frontend and backend on one server of Heroku:

To Start:

Install the required packages by the following command:

npm run dependencies

Sign in with a google account, then create a project at the following link to get a key:

In the backend folder, create nodemon.json file to store the environment variables of the backend that contains the following syntax:

  "env": {
    "GOOGLE_API_KEY": "<Your google maps api key>",
    "DB_USER": "<mongodb database username>",
    "DB_PASSWORD": "<mongodb database password>",
    "DB_NAME": "<mongodb database name>",
    "JWT_SECRET": "<Your secret to use with json web token>"

In the frontend folder, create .env file to store the environment variables of the frontend that contains the following syntax:

REACT_APP_GOOGLE_API_KEY=<Your google maps api key>
REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL=<your backend server url>/api
REACT_APP_ASSET_URL=<your backend server url>

Run the following command to start the app in the development mode:

npm run dev

Run the following command in the root folder or in the frontend one to make a production build for the frontend of the application:

npm run build


Be sure you have these two folders /uploads/images inside your backend root and at least one picture uploaded to be able to use image upload.