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SocialApe Application

Social media application built using: React a framework to build component-based web applications and Redux as a state management. In addition to Firebase which a great Platform as a Service (PaaS). It's used here as a backend. Besides other services as Cloud Firestore as a realtime document-based (noSQL) database, Cloud Functionswhich are built in Node.jswith the help of Express. Authentication that uses Json Web Token. Material UI to design the app which is based om React Components that implement Google's Material Design.


To Start:

Install the required packages by the following command:

npm run dependencies

Create a project at the following link:

Create config folder in the following directory:


In the config folder, create firebaseConfig.js file that contains the following:

module.exports = {
  apiKey: "<Your Api Key>",
  authDomain: "<Your Project Id or name>",
  databaseURL: "<Your database URL>",
  projectId: "<Your Project Id>",
  storageBucket: "<Your Storage Bucket>",
  messagingSenderId: "<Your Messaging Sender Id>",
  appId: "<Your App Id>",
  measurementId: "<Your Measurement Id>"

Tip: You can find this config object in the Settings of your project on firebase.

In the config folder, create also serviceAccountKey.json file that contains the following:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "<Your project id>",
  "private_key_id": "<Your projec's private key id>",
  "private_key": "<Your project's private key>",
  "client_email": "<Your client email>",
  "client_id": "Your client id",
  "auth_uri": "<Your Auth uri>",
  "token_uri": "<Your token uri>",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "<Your auth provider x509 cert url>",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "<Your client x509 cert url>"

Tip: You can generate this PRIVATE KEY in the Settings (service accounts) of your project on firebase.

Run the following command to start the app in the development mode:

npm run dev

Please, visit the following link to try the app: or