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Google Maps

Fabio Oliveira Costa edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 12 revisions

#The problem. Google Maps don't allow live positioning or turn by turn navigation as stated on section 10.2D of it's agreement , even for the commercial api.

If we do use google maps we are required to pay since it'is a commercial product as stated on the compare editions on their site .

The price is not available on the site but they have a "contact sales" form.

##Alternatives Our alternatives are sdks built on top of OSMaps an open source maps wiki. OpenStreetMap is open data: you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.

##OSMaps frameworks Full solutions that use OSMaps and have their own routings and services, they take the responsibility of routing,location and image serving off our shoulders.

###Skobler A full commercial framework Skobler gives turn by turn, offline render and etc.

License: Commercial

Pricing:: First 1M maps free $0.50/1000 additional map sessions.Enterprise use upon contact

Requirements: None, it's a service with an sdk that we can build on torouting

Skobbler provides routing and turn by turn direction but the display of both on cordova is up to us (route display was easy but turn by turn with navigation view would be trickier).

For turn by turn instructions you will need to use our native SDKs – while we do offer display maps, routing and directions via our web API, turn by turn a tighter integration with the mobile device so we only offer this via our native SDKS. We do provide Xamarin bindings if you'd like use a cross platform development environment but we currently don't have support (bindings) for any of the HTML/javascript based frameworks.

Support: Their web api support is pratically amiss everything we want to do we need to do on pure leaflet.

###MapBox Commercial framework MapBox have also a set of tools to design your own custom maps.

License: Commercial

Pricing: Free up to 750.000 Map Tiles/Month , $499,00 up to 15M map tiles, 0.5 USD for 15.000 map tiles, there are high volume plans but we have to contact them.

Requirements: None, it's a service with an sdk that we can build on top but can use leflet

Notes: They serve routes and turn by turn only on paid plans.still don't know their implementation

###CloudMade Commercial framework ,and car centric Cloud Made has a lot of solutions for analytical data,gps,turn by turn and etc. They seem to don't provide routing as this states:

In March 2014 we announced that as of May 1st 2014 CloudMade will be discontinuing service of Map Tiles, Geocoding, Routing and Vector Stream Server APIs. We will provide only Map Tiles API for Enterprise users.

License: Commercial

Pricing: $1,500 per month, up to 50M map tile transactions $3,500 per month, up to 200M. Unknown above that

Requirements: Unknown

##OsMaps WebMaps

FrontEnd clients and sdks for webMaps they require somebody to serve the data,routing etc

###Leaflet Free open source js sdk for osMaps , leafjet is used by a lot of companies.

License: Custom Open Source, As IS, We can change provided we keep the copyright.

Pricing: Free

Requirements: We'll need a map imagery server, free or otherwise, it seemes we can use osmap for that

##OsMaps Routing and imagery servers

We can use some routing and imagery server and keep all our maps under our control but we would have to take a lot of responsibility,add a new layer to the development and increase our server costs

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