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Although is not a Fable requirement, on macOS and Linux you'll need Mono for other F# tooling like Paket or editor support.


The project can be used by editors compatible with the new .fsproj format, like VS Code + Ionide, Emacs with fsharp-mode or Rider. Visual Studio for Mac is also compatible but in the current version the package auto-restore function conflicts with Paket so you need to disable it: Preferences > Nuget > General.

Building and running the app

  • Install JS dependencies: npm install
  • Move to src folder: cd src
  • Install F# dependencies: dotnet restore
  • Start Fable daemon and Webpack dev server: dotnet fable npm-start
  • In your browser, open: http://localhost:8080/

dotnet fable yarn-start (or npm-start) is used to start the Fable daemon and run a script in package.json concurrently. It's a shortcut of yarn-run [SCRIP_NAME], e.g. dotnet fable yarn-run start.

If you are using VS Code + Ionide, you can also use the key combination: Ctrl+Shift+B (Cmd+Shift+B on macOS) instead of typing the dotnet fable yarn-start command. This also has the advantage that Fable-specific errors will be highlighted in the editor along with other F# errors.

Any modification you do to the F# code will be reflected in the web page after saving. When you want to output the JS code to disk, run dotnet fable yarn-build (or npm-build) and you'll get a minified JS bundle in the public folder.


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