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Script to parse accepted codes from Codeforces

How to Run

If we create an object of the class CodeforcesScraperby passing the username in the constructor. When we call the function to scrape all the accepted codes, we pass the number of pages of submission and the name of the directory where to save the code. An user can have more than one submission pages, for example I have 90 currently. The function will start from page 1 and finish on the page specified.

comparison can be either time or memory. This is an optional parameter which is time by default.

cf = CodeforcesScraper(user-name)
cf.get_all_accepted_sol(total_page_of_submission, root_directory_name_to_save_codes, comparison)


  1. You can't access all the codes on Codeforces. For example you can't check what others has submitted in the Gym. Usually in the submission table, we can find the submission link in the first cell of a row. The cell has an <a></a>. If the code is hidden then the link is not present. Instead they use a <span></span> where we can just get the submission id.
  2. A single problem may have one or more accepted submissions.
  3. Div.1 A problems are Div.2 C problems when the contest is held for both divisons.


  1. All the submission page is requested and scraped using bs4.
  2. The submission id is retrieved.
  3. The name, problem link, language, time and memory is also retrieved.
  4. We can check if the problem belongs to a gym using the problem-link as it will contain gym in the url.
  5. By parsing the link we determine the problem level e.g. A, B, C... and contest id.
  6. If submission for a problem is more than one then the efficient one is considered.
  7. After we have all the details about the problem and submission, we can call another url to get the code.
  8. The has a dictionary to map file extension with programming language. Not all the languages supported by Codeforces is not given. They can be added if required.
  9. After getting the code we have a CodeInfo object.
  10. We create separate folders for A, B, C etc. write the codes in file with appropriate extensions. The naming convention is like 1000A. problem_name.

Future Works

  1. Save all the accepted submissions for a particular problem.
  2. Write functions to retrieve wrong answer, time limit exceeded, runtime error etc.

In case of any bug found please create an issue 🙂


script to parse all accepted codes of Codeforces







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