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Releases: Watchdog0x/nvm-light


25 Oct 01:14
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Release Notes - Version 1.1.0

I am excited to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of the nvml script! This release includes several improvements and bug fixes for enhanced usability.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed symbolic link resolution for accurate determination of the script's directory.


  • Install a specific Node.js version using the -i or --install option.
  • List available Node.js versions on your system with the -l or --list option.
  • Set the active Node.js version with the -s or --set option.
  • Update all installed Node.js versions to the latest with the -p or --patch option.
    • Subcommand: clean - Remove all old Node.js versions.
  • Remove an installed Node.js version with the -r or --remove option.
  • Display help information with the -h or --help option.
  • Check the version of nvml with the -v or --version option.


  • Improved error messages for better clarity.
  • Enhanced permissions check for the node versions directory.

I appreciate your feedback and contributions! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further improvements, please let me know.

Thank you for using nvml!


24 Oct 19:34
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Release Notes - Version 1.0.0

I am excited to announce the release of version 1.0.0 of the nvml script!


  • Install Specific Node.js Version: You can now use the -i or --install option to install a specific version of Node.js.


    nvml -i 18.18.1
  • Set Active Node.js Version: The -s or --set option allows you to set the active Node.js version.


    nvml -s 18.18.1
  • Remove Installed Node.js Version: The -r or --remove option lets you remove an installed Node.js version.


    nvml -s 18.18.0
  • **List Available Versions: ** Use the -l or --list option to list all available Node.js versions on your system.


    nvml -l
  • Patch for Updates: Introducing the -p or --patch option that checks for updates and installs the latest versions of Node.js.


    nvml -p

    For cleaning up old versions:

    nvml -p clean
  • Install, Set, and List in One Go: You can combine installation, setting, and listing of Node.js versions in a single command. For example:

    nvml -i 18.18.2 -s 18.18.2 -l