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Installation on Docker

toddrob edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 4 revisions


  • Install Docker
  • Create a folder to store your Addarr files. For the example we will use /var/lib/addarr.
  • Save a copy of config_example.yaml to your Addarr folder (/var/lib/addarr/config.yaml). Edit the file to add your settings.
  • Create admin.txt and chatid.txt in your Addarr folder (/var/lib/addarr/admin.txt and /var/lib/addarr/chatid.txt).
    • If you are using the admin restriction functionality, paste your admin Telegram chat id(s) in admin.txt, one on each line.
    • You can paste your Telegram chat id(s) in chatid.txt, but you don't need to. You can leave this file empty, and chat ids will be added when they are authorized via password through the bot.
  • If you want the Addarr log file to be saved on your host system, then create a logs folder in your Addarr folder (/var/lib/addarr/logs/). Skip this step if you don't care about the log file, and it will be erased each time the Docker container is stopped.

Run Using Docker Compose

  • Save a copy of docker-compose.yml to your Addarr folder (/var/lib/addarr/docker-compose.yml).
  • Edit docker-compose.yml and make sure the file/folder mappings are correct for your environment. The default includes mappings for config.yaml, chatid.txt, and admin.txt all being in the same folder as docker-compose.yml. If you also want to map a logs folder, add a line to map that folder as well: - ./logs:/app/logs:rw. Here is what docker-compose.yml should look like with the logs folder also mapped:
    - ./config.yaml:/app/config.yaml:ro
    - ./chatid.txt:/app/chatid.txt:rw
    - ./admin.txt:/app/admin.txt:ro
    - ./logs:/app/logs:rw
  • Make sure your current working directory is your Addarr folder (cd /var/lib/addarr) and run the command docker-compose up -d to create and start a docker container based on the settings in docker-compose.yml.
    • Note: You will need to run all Docker commands as root or using sudo. On Windows you will need to run your command prompt as an admin.
  • To update your docker image to the latest version of Addarr, run the following commands:
    • docker-compose pull (to pull the new version of the image from Docker Hub)
    • docker-compose down (stop and destroy the current container--your config will be safe since you mapped them to persistent files)
    • docker-compose up -d (create and start a new container)

Run Without Docker Compose

It is much easier to use Docker Compose, because the settings are stored in YAML and you don't have to remember your settings every time you want to upgrade the Addarr version.

  • Use the docker pull command to retrieve the latest Addarr image: docker pull waterboy1602/addarr:latest.
  • Use the docker create command to create a container. For example:
docker create \
  --name=addarr \
  -v ./config.yaml:/app/config.yaml:ro \
  -v ./chatid.txt:/app/chatid.txt:rw \
  -v ./admin.txt:/app/admin.txt:ro \
  -v ./logs:/app/logs:rw \
  --restart unless-stopped \

Note: If you run this command from outside your Addarr folder, you will need to include the full paths for each -v mapped volume/file (e.g. -v /var/lib/addarr/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml:ro \).

  • Use the docker start command to start your container: docker start addarr
  • To update your docker image to the latest version of Addarr, use the following commands:
    • docker pull waterboy1602/addarr:latest (to pull the new version of the image from Docker Hub)
    • docker stop addarr (to stop the current container)
    • docker container rm addarr (to delete the current container)
    • Repeat your docker create command from above (to create a new container using the new image)
    • docker start addarr (to start the new container)

Thanks for help with Docker support: @tedvdb, @schoentoon, and @toddrob99.