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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 4, 2020. It is now read-only.


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@Sumit570 Sumit570 released this 06 Oct 13:48

Important Note

If you are upgrading from a previous version, you will see a message resembling "Corrupted block database detected, please reindex.". This is perfectly fine and normal. It is part of the upgrade procedure, your funds are safe. Allow the app to restart and you will be back in operation.


  • Upgrades underlying DeFiChain node to v1.2.0 for the AMK hardfork.

Mandatory upgrade

This is a mandatory upgrade for all existing defi-app users.

Now, defi-app is pointing to defi AMK binary version v1.2.0
AMK hardfork is set for block 356500 (ETA est. Friday October 9th, 9:30pm UTC). You will need to upgrade before the hardfork block.

Refer to the node's release notes for further information on the upgrade.

Your wallet should be safe, but to be absolutely sure, we recommend an export of your wallet and keep the exported wallet file safely.