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HangOut README: Back End

Important Links:

Deployed Client
Deployed API

FrontEnd Reop

Hangout Application Description

This application is designed to track potential event opportunities that a person wants to attend.

It's broken down by event: location, name, date.

The front end is hosted on github pages, and the backend API is hosted on heroku.

Technologies Used

  1. Mongoose
  2. Mongo DB
  3. Express.js
  4. Front-end:

  5. HTML5
  6. CSS3
  7. JavaScript (ES6)
  8. SASS
  9. Bootstrap
  10. jQuery
  11. AJAX
  12. Git/GitHub
  13. Handlebars
  14. Moment

Wire Frames and ERD

Project 3 - Hangout Tracker - Wireframe
Project 3 - Hangout Tracker - ERD

User Stories

  1. As an unregistered user, I would like to sign up with email and password.
  2. As a registered user, I would like to sign in with email and password.
  3. As a signed in user, I would like to change password.
  4. As a signed in user, I would like to sign out.
  5. As an unregistered user, I would like to see all events.
  6. As a signed in user, I would like to RSVP to an event.
  7. As a signed in user, I would like to create my own event.
  8. As a signed in user, I would like to update my own events.
  9. As a signed in user, I would like to delete my own events.

Development Process

Verison 1:

The MVP has a single user creating events that belong to them and can be viewed by them alone.

After our initial planning meeting where we outlined how we wanted to function as a group/distribute roles and assignment, we created the forms for the desired functions and the CRUD operations.

Events for the submit actions were created and linked to the API calls

Decided that we would do a Many-to-Many between events and users.

Unsolved Issues & Future Goals

  • We did not allow users to send out messages to all RSVPd users.
  • 3rd party APi would like to be implemented


Brendan M. , Drew M, Kevin O, Steven H.