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Discord Rich Presence for BONELAB Mod Networker Support - doge15567's Addition

  • If networker is installed, custom maps and avatars will use the mod's thumbnail.

Fusion Support

  • If Fusion is installed, you can invite people to your Fusion servers through Discord.
  • It will show the current players in the server, then the max players allowed in the server in the status.


  1. Download the latest release from here
  2. Extract the zip file into your BONELAB directory


  • Edit the "UserEntries.txt" file in the "UserData/BLRPC" folder and add stuff on new lines (This file is generated when you open the game with this mod installed.)
  • For image customization, open MelonPrefs and change the application ID to your own application ID.
  • Your art assets have to be named the same as they are for me. Check Main.cs's CheckMap method for the names. The names are after the return statements.
  • You can change the details mode to either Entries, GunShots, NPCDeaths, SDKMods, SpawnablesPlaced, or Extraes.
  • Entries grabs a random line from UserEntries.txt, GunShots shows the times you've shot a gun, NPC deaths shows the total NPCs killed, SDKMods shows the amount of mods you have loaded, SpawnablesPlaced shows the amount of objects you've spawned, Extraes :)