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Brad Parbs edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 30 revisions


Hi. I'm a starter theme called wd_s, or wdunderscores. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead, try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for!

I feature some of the web's most proven technologies like: Tailwind, npm, webpack, Sass, and PostCSS. To help you write clean code (that meets WordPress standards), we tap into @wordpress/scripts for linting CSS and JavaScript. Did I mention that I'm also accessible? Yup. I pass both WCAG 2.1AA and Section 508 standards out of the box.

I also support Selective Refresh and Live Preview in the Theme Customizer.

Not to mention, I use Browsersync so you can watch your project update in real-time while you work.

Looking to use some of our custom Gutenberg blocks? It's easy! Add the WDS Blocks plugin for a quick starter including our Accordion and Carousel bloocks.

Looking to use some of our Advanced Custom Fields Gutenberg Blocks? It's also easy! Add the WDS ACF Blocks plugin for a whole set of blocks built with ACF including: Accordion, Carousel, Call To Action, Fifty/Fifty, Hero, Recent Posts, and Related Posts.

Getting Started

Quick Start

If you want to keep it simple, head over to and generate your wd_s based theme from there. You just input the name of the theme you want to create, click the "Generate" button, and you get your ready-to-awesomize starter theme.


If you want to set me up manually:

  1. Download and extract the zip into your wp-content/themes directory and rename wd_s-main to fit your needs.

  2. Find & Replace

You'll need to change all instances of the names: _s.

  • Search for: '_s' and replace with: 'project-name' (inside single quotations) to capture the text domain
  • Search for: _s_ and replace with: project-name_ to capture all the function names
  • Search for: Text Domain: _s and replace with: Text Domain: project-name in style.css
  • Search for (and include the leading space):  _s and replace with:  Project Name (with a space before it) to capture DocBlocks
  • Search for: _s- and replace with: project-name- to capture prefixed handles
  • Search for _s.pot and replace with: project-name.pot to capture translation files
  • Search for and replace with: to match your local development URL
  • Edit the theme information in the header of style.scss to meet your needs


  1. From the command line, change directories to your new theme directory
cd /your-project/wordpress/wp-content/themes/your-theme
  1. Install theme dependencies and trigger initial build.
npm i --legacy-peer-deps


From the command line, type any of the following to perform an action:

Command Action
npm run watch Builds assets and starts Live Reload and Browsersync servers
npm run start Builds assets and starts Live Reload server
npm run build Builds production-ready assets for a deployment
npm run lint Check all CSS, JS, MD, and PHP files for errors
npm run format Fix all CSS, JS, MD, and PHP formatting errors automatically

Contributing and Support

Your contributions and support tickets are welcome. Please see our contributing guidelines before submitting a pull request.

wd_s is free software, and is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. See for complete license.

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