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Developer Getting Started

René Zubcevic edited this page Nov 22, 2020 · 13 revisions

Developer Getting Started Guide

This page is for tips and tricks for developers who want to build WebGoat themselves and think about contributing to WebGoat.

Basic understanding

Development and test of WebGoat can be done on Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS or a Linux based OS. WebGoat is finally packaged and released as Java jar files and docker containers on Docker Hub. The end result should be runnable on all of the mentioned operating systems.

WebGoat also supports multiple languages. The unit tests and integration tests should be able to handle localisation and user zone settings.

Travis is used to test code that is pushed to GitHub. Everyone with a GitHub account can contribute by creating a fork of WebGoat, then create a branch off of develop in their local repository and making a cross repository pull request. This will trigger the Travis build. Pull requests require that a contributor signs an agreement. Otherwise the pull request can never be merged.


  • Windows, MacOS, Linux operating system
  • Maven 3.5 or higher
  • Java 11 up to Java 13 (which are both tested in the Travis build)
  • An IDE will be handy: e.g. Visual Studio Code, Eclipse or IntelliJ. Make sure that the IDE has the extensions to support Lombok.
  • (optionally) docker (e.g. Docker Desktop for Windows, MacOS)
  • Browser to test manually: Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge

Free ports

When you build or run the application with default settings make sure that the following ports are not in use:

  • 8080
  • 9001
  • 9090

Building from Maven

git clone cd WebGoat git checkout -b yourbranch mvn clean install

Default components

The Java build results in two ‘executable’ jar files:

  • WebGoat in webgoat-server/target
  • WebWolf in webwolf/target

Run WebGoat from generated jar

java -jar webgoat-server/target/webgoat-server-v8.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

This starts WebGoat with the UI on And an hsql database on port 9001 which has persistent data stored in .webgoat folder

Run WebWolf from generated jar

java -jar webwolf/target/webwolf-v8.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

This starts WebWolf with an UI on whixh is connected to the database on port 9001

(TODO more instructions will come)