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310 lines (160 loc) · 4.67 KB

  1. labels Class,WebSite-PHP,FacebookComments,WebSitePhpObject,FacebookComments

Table of Contents

Class FacebookComments



Location: /modules/Facebook/FacebookComments.class.php

  • Remarks*

Class FacebookComments

WebSite-PHP : PHP Framework 100% object ( Copyright (c) 2009-2014 PHP versions >= 5.2Licensed under The MIT License Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.

  • author:* Emilien MOREL <>
  • version:* 1.2.9
  • copyright:* 17/01/2014
  • link:*
  • since:* 1.0.86
  • access:* public

Class Variable Summary

Class Constant Summary

* `STYLE_DARK` = ` 'dark'`

FacebookComments style * `STYLE_LIGHT` = ` 'light'`

FacebookComments style

Inherited Class Constant Summary

Inherited Class Variable Summary

Inherited From Class WebSitePhpObject

* `WebSitePhpObject::$is_javascript_object` = ` false`

* `WebSitePhpObject::$is_new_object_after_init` = ` false`

* `WebSitePhpObject::$object_change` = ` false`

* `WebSitePhpObject::$tag` = ` `

Method Summary

* `static mixed getFacebookJsInclude()` Method getFacebookJsInclude * `mixed getFacebookJsInclude()` Method getFacebookJsInclude

Inherited Method Summary

Inherited From Class WebSitePhpObject

* `WebSitePhpObject::__construct()` Constructor WebSitePhpObject * `WebSitePhpObject::addCss()` Method addCss * `WebSitePhpObject::addJavaScript()` Method addJavaScript * `WebSitePhpObject::displayJavascriptTag()` Method displayJavascriptTag * `WebSitePhpObject::forceAjaxRender()`

* `WebSitePhpObject::getAjaxRender()` Method getAjaxRender * `WebSitePhpObject::getClass()`

* `WebSitePhpObject::getCssArray()` Method getCssArray * `WebSitePhpObject::getJavaScriptArray()` Method getJavaScriptArray * `WebSitePhpObject::getJavascriptTagClose()` Method getJavascriptTagClose * `WebSitePhpObject::getJavascriptTagOpen()` Method getJavascriptTagOpen * `WebSitePhpObject::getName()` Method getName * `WebSitePhpObject::getPage()` Method getPage * `WebSitePhpObject::getRegisterObjects()` Method getRegisterObjects * `WebSitePhpObject::getTag()` Method getTag * `WebSitePhpObject::getType()`

* `WebSitePhpObject::isEventObject()` Method isEventObject * `WebSitePhpObject::isJavascriptObject()` Method isJavascriptObject * `WebSitePhpObject::isObjectChange()` Method isObjectChange * `WebSitePhpObject::render()` Method render * `WebSitePhpObject::setTag()` Method setTag

Method Detail

static FacebookComments::getFacebookJsInclude

  • static getFacebookJsInclude(*
  • );*
  • Remarks*

Method getFacebookJsInclude

  • since:* 1.2.9
  • access:* public


  • __construct(*
[*string* _$url_to_comment_], [*double* _$number_post_], [*double* _$width_], [*string* _$style_]* );*

Overrides WebSitePhpObject::__construct() (Constructor WebSitePhpObject)

  • Parameters*
_$url_to_comment_ _$number_post_ [default] _$width_ [default] _$style_ [default]

  • Remarks*

Constructor FacebookComments


  • render(*
[*boolean* _$ajax_render_]* );*

Overrides WebSitePhpObject::render() (Method render)

  • Parameters*
_$ajax_render_ [default]

  • Returns*
html code of object FacebookComments

  • Remarks*

Method render

  • since:* 1.0.86
  • access:* public


  • setNumberPost(*
  • mixed*
_$number_post_* );*

  • Parameters*

  • Remarks*

Method setNumberPost

  • since:* 1.0.86
  • access:* public


  • setStyle(*
  • mixed*
_$style_* );*

  • Parameters*

  • Remarks*

Method setStyle

  • since:* 1.0.86
  • access:* public


  • setWidth(*
  • integer*
_$width_* );*

  • Parameters*

  • Remarks*

Method setWidth

  • since:* 1.0.86
  • access:* public

Variable Detail

Class Constant Detail

  • `STYLE_DARK` = ` 'dark'` (line 34)
  • Remarks*

FacebookComments style

  • access:* public
  • `STYLE_LIGHT` = ` 'light'` (line 33)
  • Remarks*

FacebookComments style

  • access:* public