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File metadata and controls

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Access control

.. versionchanged:: 3.0

    Before Weblate 3.0, the privileges system was based on Django, but now it
    is built specifically for Weblate. If you are using older version, please
    consult documentation for that version, information here will not apply.

Weblate comes with a fine grained privileges system to assign users permissions globally or in limited scope.

The permission system is groups and roles based, where roles define set of permissions and groups assign them to users and translations, see :ref:`auth-model` for more details.

Just after installation default set of groups is created and you can use those to assign users global roles (see :ref:`default-groups`). Additionally when :ref:`acl` is enabled, you can assign users to specific translation projects. More fine grained configuration can be achieved using :ref:`custom-acl`

Most usual setups

Locking down Weblate

To completely lock down your Weblate installation you can use :setting:`LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS` for forcing users to login and :setting:`REGISTRATION_OPEN` for disallowing new registrations.

Site wide permissions

To manage site wide permissions, just add users to the Users (this is done by default using :ref:`autogroup`), Reviewers and Managers groups. Keep all projects configured as Public (see :ref:`acl`).

Per project permissions

Configure your projects to Protected or Private and manage users per project in the Weblate interface.

Adding permissions to languages, projects or component sets

You can additionally grant permissions to some user based on project, language or a component set. To achieve this, create new group (eg. Czech translators) and configure it for given object. Any assigned permissions will be granted to members of that group on selected objects.

This will work just fine without additional setup if using per project permissions, for site wide permissions, you will probably also want to remove these permissions from the Users group or change automatic assignment of all users to that group (see :ref:`autogroup`).

Per project access control


By enabling ACL, all users are prohibited from accessing anything within a given project unless you add the permissions for them to do that.

You can limit user's access to individual projects. This feature is enabled by :guilabel:`Access control` at Project configuration. This automatically creates several groups for this project, see :ref:`groups`.

There are following choices for :guilabel:`Access control`:

Publicly visible and translatable
Publicly visible but translatable only for selected users
Visible and translatable only for selected users
Weblate does not manage users, see :ref:`custom-acl`.


To allow access to this project, you have to add the privilege to do so either directly to the given user or group of users in Django admin interface, or by using user management on the project page as described in :ref:`manage-acl`.


Even with ACL enabled some summary information will be available about your project:

  • Site wide statistics includes counts for all projects
  • Site wide languages summary includes counts for all projects

Automatic group assignments

You can configure Weblate to automatically add users to groups based on their email. This automatic assignment happens only at the time of account creation.

This can be configured in the Django admin interface (in the :guilabel:`Accounts` section).


The automatic group assignment for the Users and Viewers groups will be always created by Weblate on migrations, in case you want to disable it, simply set the regular expression to ^$, what will never match.

Users, roles, groups and permissions

The authentication models consist of several objects:

Individual permissions defined by Weblate. You can not assign individual permissions, this can be done only through roles.
Role defines set of a permissions. This allows to reuse these sets in several places and makes the administration easier.
Users can be members of several groups.
Groups connect roles, users and authentication objects (projects, languages and component lists).
.. graphviz::

    graph auth {

        "User" -- "Group";
        "Group" -- "Role";
        "Role" -- "Permission";
        "Group" -- "Project";
        "Group" -- "Language";
        "Group" -- "Component list";

Permission checking

Whenever permission is checked to be able to perform given action, the check is performed based on scope, following checks are performed:


Compared against scope project, if not set, this matches none project.

You can use :guilabel:`Project selection` to automate including all projects.

Component list

Scope component is matched against this list, if not set this is ignored.

Obviously this has no effect when checking access on the project scope, so you will have to grant access to view all projects in a component list by other means. By default this is achieved by the Viewers group, see :ref:`default-groups`).


Compared against scope translation, if not set, this matches none language.

You can use :guilabel:`Language selection` to automate including all languages.

Checking access to a project

User has to be a member of a group linked to the project. Only membership is enough, no specific permissions are needed to access a project (this is used in the default Viewers group, see :ref:`default-groups`).

Managing users and groups

All users and groups can be managed using Django admin interface, which is available under :file:`/admin/` URL.

Managing per project access control


This feature only works for ACL controlled projects, see :ref:`acl`.

Users with :guilabel:`Can manage ACL rules for a project` privilege (see :ref:`privileges`) can also manage users in projects with access control enabled on the project page. You can add or remove users to the project or make them owners.

The user management is available in :guilabel:`Tools` menu of a project:


.. seealso::


Predefined groups

Weblate comes with predefined set of groups for a project where you can assign users.

.. describe:: Administration

    Has all permissions on the project.

.. describe:: Glossary

    Can manage glossary (add or remove entries or upload glossary).

.. describe:: Languages

    Can manage translated languages - add or remove translations.

.. describe:: Screenshots

    Can manage screenshots - add or remove them and associate them to source

.. describe:: Template

    Can edit translation template in :ref:`monolingual` and source string

.. describe:: Translate

    Can translate project, including upload of offline translatoins.

.. describe:: VCS

    Can manage VCS and access exported repository.

.. describe:: Review

    Can approve translations during review.

.. describe:: Billing

    Can access billing information (see :ref:`billing`).

Custom access control

By choosing :guilabel:`Custom` as :guilabel:`Access control`, Weblate will stop managing access for given project and you can setup custom rules in Django admin interface. This can be used for definining more complex access control or having shared access policy for all projects in single Weblate instance. If you want to enable this for all projects by default please enable the :setting:`DEFAULT_CUSTOM_ACL`.


By enabling this, Weblate will remove all :ref:`acl` it has created for this project. If you are doing this without global admin permission, you will instantly loose access to manage the project.

Default groups and roles

List of privileges

Billing (see :ref:`billing`)
View billing information [Administration, Billing]
Download changes [Administration]
Post comment [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate] Delete comment [Administration]
Edit component settings [Administration] Lock component from translating [Administration]
Add glossary entry [Administration, Manage glossary, Power user] Edit glossary entry [Administration, Manage glossary, Power user] Delete glossary entry [Administration, Manage glossary, Power user] Upload glossary entries [Administration, Manage glossary, Power user]
Use machine translation services [Administration, Power user]
Edit project settings [Administration] Manage project access [Administration]
Download reports [Administration]
Add screenshot [Administration, Manage screenshots] Edit screenshot [Administration, Manage screenshots] Delete screenshot [Administration, Manage screenshots]
Source strings
Edit info on source strings [Administration, Edit source]
Add new string [Administration] Ignore failing check [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate] Edit strings [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate] Review strings [Administration, Review strings] Edit string when suggestions are enforced [Administration, Review strings] Edit source strings [Administration, Edit source, Power user]
Accept suggestion [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate] Add suggestion [Add suggestion, Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate] Delete suggestion [Administration] Vote suggestion [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate]
Start new translation [Administration, Manage languages, Power user] Perform automatic translation [Administration, Manage languages] Delete existing translation [Administration, Manage languages] Start new translation into more languages [Administration, Manage languages]
Define author of translation upload [Administration] Overwrite existing strings with upload [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate] Upload translation strings [Administration, Edit source, Power user, Review strings, Translate]
Access the internal repository [Access repository, Administration, Manage repository, Power user] Commit changes to the internal repository [Administration, Manage repository] Push change from the internal repository [Administration, Manage repository] Reset changes in the internal repository [Administration, Manage repository] View upstream repository location [Access repository, Administration, Manage repository, Power user] Update the internal repository [Administration, Manage repository]

List of groups

The following groups are created on installation (or after executing :djadmin:`setupgroups`):


Defines permissions for not authenticated users.

This group contains only anonymous user (see :setting:`ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME`).

You can remove roles from this group to limit permissions for not authenticated users.

Default roles: Add suggestion, Access repository


This role ensures visibility of public projects for all users. By default all users are members of this group.

By default all users are members of this group using :ref:`autogroup`.

Default roles: none


Default group for all users.

By default all users are members of this group using :ref:`autogroup`.

Default roles: Power user


Group for reviewers (see :ref:`workflows`).

Default roles: Review strings


Group for administrators.

Default roles: Administration


Never remove Weblate predefined groups and users, this can lead to unexpected problems. If you do not want to use these features, just remove all privileges from them.