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An implementation of the t-SNE dimension reduction algorithm.


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An implementation of the t-Sne algorithm. The main author (Laurens van der Maaten) has information on t-Sne (including papers and links to other implementations) here.

To use, run the command:


Algorithm Documentation

A detailed description of t-Sne describing each of the components of the algorithm can be found:

  1. here as an html file, or
  2. here as an ipynb file that you can run in Jupyter.

Using TSNE.jl

The main function to use is tsne which is run as follows:

tsne(X, d, [perplexity = 30.0, perplexity_tol = 1e-5, perplexity_max_iter = 50,
            pca_init = true, pca_dims = 30, exag = 12.0, stop_exag = 250,
            μ_init = 0.5, μ_final = 0.8, μ_switch = 250,
            η = 100.0, min_gain = 0.01, num_iter = 1000])

with X containing the data with features in rows and observations in columns and d the number of dimensions to reduce to (typically 2 or 3 for visualisations).

All the options are described in more detail by running the help request i.e.


which shows:

Input types

  • F::AbstractFloat
  • T::Integer


  • X::Matrix{F}: Data matrix - where each row is a feature and each column is an observation / point
  • d::T: The number of dimensions to reduce X to (e.g. 2 or 3)

Keyword arguments and default values

  • perplexity::F = 30.0: User specified perplexity for each conditional distribution
  • perplexity_tol::F = 1e-5: Tolerence for binary search of bandwidth
  • perplexity_max_iter::T = 50: Maximum number of iterations used in binary search for bandwidth
  • pca_init::Bool = true: Choose whether to perform PCA before running t-SNE
  • pca_dims::T = 30: Number of dimensions to reduce to using PCA before applying t-SNE
  • exag::T = 12: Early exaggeration - multiply all pᵢⱼ's by this constant
  • stop_exag::T = 250: Stop the early exaggeration after this many iterations
  • μ_init::F = 0.5: Initial momentum parameter
  • μ_final::F = 0.8: Final momentum parameter
  • μ_switch::T = 250: Switch from initial to final momentum parameter at this iteration
  • η::F = 100.0: Learning rate
  • min_gain::F = 0.01: Minimum gain for adaptive learning
  • num_iter::T = 1000: Number of iterations
  • show_every::T = 100: Display progress at intervals of this number of iterations

A 2D MNIST example image

The plot below was produced by running:

using MNIST
n = 5000
X = Array{Float64}(784, n)
labels = Array{Int64}(n)
for i = 1:n
    X[:, i] = trainfeatures(i) ./ 255
    labels[i] = trainlabel(i)

to load the data,

using TSNE
Y = tsne(X, 2, perplexity = 40.0)

to produce the low dimension map Y, and

using Gadfly, Colors
set_default_plot_size(24cm, 18cm)

palette = distinguishable_colors(10)
p = plot(x = Y[1, :], y = Y[2, :], color=labels, Geom.point,
         Guide.xlabel("y₁"), Guide.ylabel("y₂"),
         Scale.color_discrete_manual(palette..., levels=collect(0:9)), Theme(colorkey_swatch_shape=:circle))

to produce the image.


An implementation of the t-SNE dimension reduction algorithm.







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