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Generic public stack

This Terraform stack will help you to build a generic Public facing pattern with a RDS instance or a REDSHIFT instance. All variables are in prd.tfvars , fell free to modify these variables to match your needs. Make sure you change the role into the file by the role you are using.


image info


To try this stack just initialize your project

terraform init

And then you can run terraform plan this way

terraform plan   -var-file="prd.tfvars"


Name Version
aws n/a
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_backend_port The backend port number n/a yes
alb_frontend_port The listener frontend port number n/a yes
application n/a string "generic" no
asg_name Auto scale group name string "asg-name" no
auto_ingress_rules List of ingress rules to add automatically list(string)
azs The zone targeted list
backup_windows_rds The backup window for RDS string "22:00-01:00" no
database_name The postgres RDS database name string "rdsinstance" no
database_rds_port The RDS port string "5432" no
database_subnets The database subnet list
database_username The RDS database username string "myusernametochange" no
desired_capacity The desired capacity of the scaling group number 1 no
env The environnement name string "" no
extend_during_weekdays n/a bool true no
image_id The image ID to deploy string "" no
ingress_rules List of ingress rules to create by name list(string) [] no
instance_type The instance type string "t2.medium" no
maintenance_window_rds The maintenance windows for RDS instance string "Sat:02:00-Sat:06:00" no
max_size The Auto scaling group max size number 1 no
min_size The Auto scale min size number 1 no
nlb_backend_port The backend port number n/a yes
nlb_frontend_port The listener frontend port number n/a yes
prefix The defined prefix to build pattern string "" no
private_subnets The private subnets list
public_subnets the public subnet list
rds_backup_retention_period The backup retention days number 30 no
rds_encrypted Activate or not the RDS bool true no
rds_engine The RDS engine string "postgres" no
rds_engine_version The RDS engine version string "9.6.15" no
rds_family_instance The RDS family instance string "postgres9.6" no
rds_identifier The RDS identifiers string "db-ha" no
rds_instance_class The RDS instance class string "db.t3.small" no
rds_instance_storage The RDS storage provision number 2000 no
rds_major_version The RDS major version string "9.6" no
rds_monioring_role The RDS monitoring role string "RDSMonitoringRole" no
rds_monitoring_interval The monitoring interval number 0 no
rds_role_arn n/a string "" no
rds_sio1_iops The iops configuration for RDS instance number 10000 no
rds_storage_type The storage type string "io1" no
redshift_cluster_identifier The redshift identifier string "redshift-cluster" no
redshift_cluster_name The Redshift cluster name string "dataiku_production_db" no
redshift_cluster_node_number The nomber of node number 1 no
redshift_node_type The Redshift node type string "dc2.large" no
redshift_subnets The redshift subnets list
redshift_user_name The Redshift username string "mydbuser" no
region The region name string "" no
region_trigram The region trigram to build pattern string "" no
vpc_cidr The main CIDR for VPC string "" no


Name Description
alb Everything output by the alb module
asb Everything output by the asg module
block_cidr_vpc n/a
cgw_ids List of IDs of Customer Gateway
http_sg Everything output by the http_sg module
key_pair_admin Everything output by the key_pair_admin module
nat_gateways_eips The Elastic IPs of the NAT gateways in the private subnets
nlb Everything output by the nlb module
rds_password n/a
s3_app_arn n/a
s3_app_id n/a
ssh_sg Everything output by the ssh_sg module
this_customer_gateway Map of Customer Gateway attributes
this_key_pair_fingerprint The MD5 public key fingerprint as specified in section 4 of RFC 4716.
vpc Everything output by the vpc module


This terraform stack will help to deploy a standard stack for AWS






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