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WeirderConcoctions edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

Introduction to Marxism-Leninism:

  1. Foreign Language Press- Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: Basic Course Revised Edition
  2. Friedrich Engels (1847) - Principles of Communism.
  3. Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels (1848) - Manifesto of the Communist Party.
  4. Vladimir Lenin (1913) - Three Sources and Three Constituent Parts of Marxism.
  5. Iosif Stalin (1924) - The foundations of Leninism.
  6. Vladimir Lenin (1914) - Karl Marx.

Deepening and Developing the Above:

  1. Friedrich Engels (1875-1876) - From Utopian Socialism to Scientific Socialism.
  2. Vladimir Lenin (1902) - What is to be done?
  3. Vladimir Lenin (1917) - The State and the Revolution.
  4. Vladimir Lenin (1917) - Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism.

Marxism and Emancipation of Women:

  1. Friedrich Engels (1884) - The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.
  2. August Bebel (1879) - Women and Socialism.
  3. Aleksándra Kollontai (1918) - Communism and the Family.
  4. Aleksándra Kollontai (1921) - Prostitution and how to Combat it.
  5. Eleanor Marx (1886) - The woman question.
  6. Clara Zetkin (1896) - Only with the Proletarian Woman will Socialism Triumph.
  7. Anuradha Ghandy (2006) - Philosophical trends in the Feminist Movement.
  8. Anuradha Ghandy (2001) - Selected Works on Feminism, Caste, and Tribal Issues in India

Materialism and Idealism:

  1. Karl Marx (1884) - Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts: First manuscript, Second manuscript, Third manuscript.
  2. Karl Marx (1845) - Theses on Feuerbach.
  3. Friedrich Engels (1845) - The Situation of the Working Class in England.
  4. Karl Marx (1847) - Misery of Philosophy.
  5. Mao Tse Tsung (1937) - On Practice
  6. Mao Tse Tsung (1937) - On Contradiction

Critique of Political Economy:

  1. Karl Marx (1849) - Wage, Labour and Capital.
  2. Friedrich Engels (1843) - Notes for a Critique of Political Economy-
  3. Karl Marx (1865) - Wages, Price and Profit.
  4. Karl Marx (1867) - Capital: Book one: The Process of Production of Capital.

The Ideological Battle:

  1. Vladimir Lenin (1919) - The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky.
  2. Rosa Luxemburg (1899) - Reform or Revolution.
  3. Friedrich Engels (1873) - Of Authority.
  4. Iosif Stalin (1924) - Trotskyism or Leninism?


  1. Clara Zetkin (1923) - Fascism.
  2. Georgy Dimitrov (1935) - The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International in the Struggle of the Working Class against Fascism
  3. Georgy Dimitrov (1937) - Fascism is War.

The National Question:

  1. Vladimir Lenin (1913) - Critical notes on the National Question. In collected works, vol XX, pp. 173-190.
  2. Iosif Stalin (1913) - Marxism and the National Question.
  3. Vladimir Lenin (1914) - The Right of Nations to Self-Determination.

Please refer to the above dropdown on the right for the index, terminology, and list of sources and literature. The content here is written in a strictly Marxist-Leninist-Maoist point of view.

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