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A plugin by Well_thatssad that adds a literal Ban Hammer and Kick Hammer to your minecraft server

Why did you commit the horrendous mistake to create this

Back in the middle of 2021 I was "working" as a plugin developer for a minecraft server and they had requested the creation of a banhammer plugin

Who did you skid this code

Surprisingly enough this plugin's code was mostly mine, probrably with one or other thing from some random kid from the spigot forum

How do I use this

/banhammer or /banham to get the ban hammer /kickhammer or /kickham to get the kick hammer upon hitting a non opped player with it the player gets banned or kicked out from the server with a custom message in chat and in their client if you don't posses the permition to use it, you will be killed and struck by ligthing, as you are not worthy

How do I download

Like most stuff from github you can compile this yourself or just nab the outdated release the plugin is also available and updated on my spigot profile

I have found an error, or your code just sucks

In case any of these two or any variation of it applies, just open an issue or PR on a branch with your name

I loved this plugin is there any way I can contact you

There sure is Twitter: @Well_thatssad Discord: Well_thatssad#6427 (preferred) Email: