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Markus Matiaschek edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 13 revisions

Child Growth Monitor

The mission of Child Growth Monitor is to delivering quick and accurate data on child malnutrition in the most ethical way to organizations sharing the global vision of zero hunger.

Our values of privacy, collaboration, transparency and accountability help us to deliver a sustainable solution.


We provide a mobile app that improves and standardizes the diagnosis of malnutrition by measuring height, weight and mid-upper-arm-circumference (MUAC) of children automatically in seconds. This way we bring down the cost of treatment of malnutrition as well as number of children left behind because of lacking diagnosis. We do this through the following strategy.

  1. Continuously deliver a product that is useful to health workers and decision makers working on zero hunger.
  2. Make it sustainable and scaleable through a free software, non-profit social business model.
  3. Have measurable positive impact on children on a global scale.


To execute our strategy we have defined the following milestones

Milestone Due date Deliverable
Pilot Project ✔ 12/2018 Proof of Concept for the Child Growth Monitor
Alpha 12/2019 Sustainable, measurable positive impact for malnourished children
Beta 06/2020 Improved impact and prepared for scaling up
MVP 12/2020 General public availability of our tools and product
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